Graph Theory 1 Flashcards
If the origin and terminus of a walk are the same, then walk is known as which of the following?
Length of the walk of a graph is:
The number of vertices in walk W
Two graphs are said to be ___________ if there is a bijection between their vertex sets that preserves incidence relations.
Isomorphic graph
Which among the following is the degree of any vertex of the graph?
The number of edges incident with vertex
In which of the following a walk in which all the edges but not necessarily all the vertices are different?
Which among the following graphs include edges that connect a vertex to it?
A partial set of relation is transitive, reflexive and ___________ .
The City–Route Puzzle is also known as:
Konigsberg bridge problem
A graph is a collection of which of the following?
Vertices and edges
Which of these is a connected graph if it contains a cycle that includes every vertex?
Hamiltonian graph