Grapevine Nutrition Flashcards
How many essential nutrients do grapevines need for healthy function?
Name the 6 Macronutrients needed for grapevine nutrition.
Nitrogen (N) Phosphorus (P) Potassium (K) Calcium (Ca) Magnesium (Mg) SULFUR (S)
Nitrogen (N)
Function in plant: Controls growth and development.
Symptoms of Deficiency: Low vigor and chlorosis starting in older leaves.
Symptoms of Excess: Dark green leaves and high vigor. Reduced sugar and red color accumulation in fruit.
Phosphorus (P)
Function in plant: Required for energy storage and transport.
Symptoms of Deficiency: Yellow or red patches between veins on older leaves and low yields. Easily confused with leafroll or mite damage. Rare except on acidic soils.
Symptoms of Excess: Potassium, iron, and zinc deficiency.
Potassium (K)
Function in plant: Regulates water movement in and out of plant cells. Important for red color development and deacidification of fruit during ripening.
Symptoms of Deficiency: Older leaves turn yellow or red at their edges. Leaves may ultimately become dark reddish-brown with green veins and curl under. Low yields and low fruit pH.
Symptoms of Excess: Elevated fruit pH. Magnesium deficiency.
Calcium (Ca)
Function in plant: Component of cell walls. Maintains integrity of vine’s structure.
Symptoms of Deficiency: Rare except on acidic soils.
Sulfur (S)
Function in plant: Component of proteins and vitamins.
Symptoms of Deficiency: Chlorosis. Rare since sulfur-based fungicides are used.