Grapes - Red 36% Flashcards


Red 36%

  1. SpatB
    1. 1/3 Largest Pl in world, 11,000ha
    2. Suits GER as early R = retains more F in cool Cl
    3. Mainly in B-W
  2. Dornf
    1. X Helfenst x Heroldrebe
    2. Good d of C, Ac + Oak aff
    3. Easier to grow vs Sp + better resist to R vs Port
    4. Good ex in Rheinh + Pf w/velvet tex, Fl + hint of Sw
  3. Port 4%
    1. Extremely prol (120hl/ha)
    2. Low Ac for easy dr
    3. Mainly found in Pf

Others: Troll, Reg, Mer, CS


Reds (36% of all plantings)

  1. Spatburgunder (11%)
  2. 1/3 largest planting in the world w 11,000ha
  3. Suited for Germany as it is early ripening & retains more flavours in cooler climates
  4. Mainly in Baden-Wurttemberg
  5. Dornfelder (8%)
  6. Crossing Helfensteiner x Heroldrebe
  7. Good depth of colour, acidity & oak affinity
  8. Easier to grow vs. Spatburgunder & better resistance to rot vs. Portugieser
  9. Good examples in Rheinhessen & Pfalz with velvety texture, slightly floral & a hint of sweetness
  10. Portugieser (4%)
  11. Extremely prolific (up to 120hl/ha)
  12. Low acidity for easy drinking light wines
  13. Mainly found in Pfalz

Others: Trollinger, Regent, Merlot, Cab Sauv

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