Grant Of Lease And Underlease Flashcards
What’s are the options for the term of the lease ?
- fixed amount
- periodic tenancy indefinitely from one period to another
- tenancy at will (terminated at any time)
What are the types of leasehold covenants ?
Absolute covenants
Qualified covenants
Fully qualified covenants
What is an absolute covenant ?
Tenant cannot carry out stated action
What is a qualified covenant ?
Can carry out action with landlords consent
What is a fully qualified covenant ?
Requires landlords consent but consent cannot be reasonably withheld by the landlord
What case law was established in post office v Aquarius properties ?
Before tenant can be in breach of covenant to repair the physical condition of the property must have deteriorated from previous condition
Difference between headlease and Underlease ?
Underlease is likely to be much more restrictive as it it is likely that headlease requires Underlease to mirror its terms
If headlease is registered with absolute leasehold title what does that mean ?
No need to see title of freehold, although headlease itself must be reviewed
What if the headlease is unregistered ?
Under tenant is entitled to call for the headlease and subsequent assignments for last 15 years
What is a licence to underlet ?
Three party document where head-landlord gives consent to head-tenant to Underlet to under-tenant
Will usually condition that under-tenant enter into direct covenant with head-landlord to perform covenants in underlease and headlease
What is true for a lease of 7 years or less ?
Such a lease will take effect as an overriding interest under LRA 2002
What is a self-help/[Jervis v Harris] clause ?
Allows landlord to recover cost of repairs as debt and not damage claim.
This clause allows landlords to enter property to check compliance with tenants repair covenant
Who does the 1954 act apply to ?
- A tenancy (lease not licence)
- occupied for business purposes
What are the exclusions?
- Tenancies at will
- fixed term not exceeding 6 months
- fixed term that has contracted out of 1954 act
What is the effect of the act ?
If afforded protection then tenancy cannot end unless in accordance with the act:
- s 25 notice
- s 26 tenant request
- forfeiture
- Surrender