Grand Alliance Conferences Flashcards
How many conferences did the Grand Alliance have?
In the conferences agreements were reached about..?
what would happen after the war.
During the conferences there was..?
tension between superpowers.
When was the Tehran Conference?
At the Tehran conference Stalin wanted..?
the Allies to attack Germany to take pressure off the USSR.
At the Tehran conference Churchill wanted the attack to be in the Balkans but..?
Stalin objected.
When was the Yalta Conference?
February 1945.
At the Yalta Conference it was agreed that the USSR would help..?
defeat Japan.
At the Yalta Conference it was agreed that all allies would work for..?
democracy in Europe.
At the Yalta Conference it was decided that the UN would be set up to..?
promote peace.
At the Yalta Conference it was decided that Germany would be..?
split into four zones.
At the Yalta Conference it was decided that Germany would..?
pay reparations.
When was the Potsdam Conference?
At the Potsdam Conference there were arguments about the..?
boundaries between the zones in Germany.
At the Potsdam Conference there were disagreements about how high..?
Germany’s reparations should be.