Grammerless 2 Flashcards
I am (essence)
yo soy
Are you? (essence)
tú eres?
I was (essence)
yo fui/ yo era
were you? (essence)
tú fuiste?/ tu eras?
I am (location/feeling)
Yo estoy
Are you? (location/feeling)
tú estás?
I was (location/feeling)
Yo estuve, yo estaba
she/he was? (location feeling)
el/ella estaba
were you? (location/feeling)
tú estuviste? tu estabas?
I am going to be (location/feeling)
yo voy a estar
I have been (location/feeling)
yo he estado
I am going to be (essence)
yo voy a ser
I have been (essence)
Yo he sido
The hour, day, and date Place of origin Occupation Nationality Religious or political affiliation The material something is made of Possession Relationship of one person to another Where an event is taking place Essential qualities (what makes this thing, this thing?)
I am capable of many things
Soy capaz de muchas cosas
I am a strong person
Soy una persona fuerte
are you a artist?
eres un artista?
are you a musician?
¿eres músico?
are you a futbol player?
¿Eres futbolista?
are you a surfer?
eres un surfista?
you are very kind
eres muy amable
you are very talented
eres muy talentoso
we are strong
somos fuertes
we are friends
somos amigos
we are all students of the earth
todos somos estudiantes de la tierra
they are good people
son buenas personas
they are so beautiful
Son muy hermosos
you all are a wonderful family
todos ustedes son una familia maravillosa
I am lucky
soy afortunado
I was a child
Yo era un niño
were you a radio host?
¿Eras locutor de radio?
she was a dental assitent
ella era asistente dental
we were young
Éramos jóvenes
they were biologists
eran biólogos
I am foreign
Soy extranjero
he is weird
el es raro
it is cheap
es barato
he is tall
el es alto
Geographic or physical location
State or condition (like emotions)
Many idiomatic expressions
Progressive tenses (-ing)
he is being weird
el esta siendo raro
I am in my room
yo estoy en mi habitación
I am at the beach
Estoy en la playa
I am excited
estoy emocionado
I am grateful
estoy agradecido
You are in the house?
¿Estás en la casa?
you are in the garden
estas en el jardin
you are at the ocean
estás en el océano
she is walking
ella está caminando
she was walking
ella estaba caminando
he is talking
el esta hablando
he was talking
él estaba hablando
we are learning
estamos aprendiendo
we are smart
somos inteligentes
we are tired
estamos cansados
they are in the kitchen?
¿Están en la cocina?
they are in the main house
están en la casa principal
they are singing
Ellos están cantando
Are you happy
Estás feliz
are you in the sand
estas en la arena
is she at the bank
¿Está ella en el banco?
is she at the neighbors house
¿Está ella en la casa de los vecinos?
are we safe
estamos a salvo
are they in the dining room?
¿Están en el comedor?
I am inside
Estoy dentro
Are you outside?
¿Estás afuera?
are you in school?
¿Estás en la escuela?
is she here?
¿ella esta aqui?
she is married
ella esta casada
he is my favorite professor
el es mi profesor favorito
you are welcome to join us
eres bienvenido a venir con nosotros
I have been a teacher and a student all my life
He sido maestra y alumna toda mi vida
I have been to that area before
He estado en esa zona antes
I have been at the barn
He estado en el granero
You have been at the pond with the animals
Has estado en el estanque con los animales
you have been really helpful
has sido realmente útil
you have been to that country once before
has estado en ese país una vez antes
you were swimming
estabas nadando
I was on the road
Estaba en el camino
where were you
Dónde estabas
how is your mother
Cómo esta tu madre
I was a child
Yo era un niño
you were laughing
Te estabas riendo