grammar points and verbs Flashcards
what does an -ance ending usually indicate
-ance ending is usually feminine
synonym for conduire à
conduire à — mener à —» to lead to
countries/ regions/ rivers ending in an -e are masculine or feminine
- they’re feminine
weights and measure or are either masculine or feminine?
- they’re always masculine
fruits and veg ending in -e are either masculine or feminine?
- they’re feminine
religious festivals are either masculine or feminine?
- they’re always feminine
sciences are either masculine or feminine?
- they’re always feminie e.g. la chemie – chemistry
islands are either masculine or feminine?
- they’re always feminine
days, months and seasons are either masculine or feminine?
- they’re always masculine
trees/ plants are either masculine or feminine?
- they’re always masculine
metals and elements are either masculine or feminine?
- they’re always masculine
what does it mean when depuis is used with the present tense
- to say how long something has been happening and is still happening e.g J’apprends le français depuis six ans – I’ve been learning french for six years
what does it mean when you use pendant with the perfect tense
- something that happened over a period of time, but isn’t happening anymore e.g. Elle a habité en France pendant un an – She lived in France for a year
what happens to verbs ending in -cer before the vowel o (present tense)
- the c becomes ç before the o to keep the sound
what happens to verbs ending in -ger before the o vowel (present tense)
- have an -e before o e.g. nous nageons
what happens to verbs ending in -yer in the present tense
- they have an -i before the -e ending e.g. il nettoie, nous nettoyons
what happens to verbs ending in -ler and -ter in the present tense
- they tend to use a double l or t before -e ending e.g. j’appelle, vous appelez
what does en + present participle mean
- while doing, in doing, on doing, by doing
what conjunctions are used to express the future when the main verb is in the future tense
- aussitôt/ dès que – as soon as
- lorsque/ quand – when
- tant que – as long as
- une fois que – once
when to use à and de e.g. (c’est difficile à/ de)
- C’est difficile à + infinitif
- C’est difficile de + infinitif + complément
- conjugated the same as could, so it uses the future stem e.g. pourr-
when to use savoir and connaître
savoir + verb
connaître + noun
how to conjugate le plus-que-parfait
- is the had + past participle in English, conjugated as the imperfect tense + past perfect in french
- it’s used to express an action in a distant past or in sentences that relate two historic past events to each other, where one of the events took place further in the past than the other
when do you make the plus-que-parfait tense agree
- when it has a preceding direct object (unless the verb is followed by a direct object) e.g. il l’avait aidée (he had helped her) je lui avais parlé (I spoke to him)
pp. of atteindre