Grammar N4 Flashcards
間 (あいだ)
while; during; between (used when doing something the WHOLE time - often paired with ずっと)
[verb jisho form + 間]
↪散歩している間、ずっと雨が降っていた - while i was walking, it rained (the whole time)
[noun + の + 間]
↪昼ごはんの間 - during lunch
while; during (used when doing something MOMENTARILY and not the whole time)
[verb jisho form + 間に]
↪散歩している間に、雨が降り始めた - while i was walking, it started to rain
after; later
[verb past + 後で]
↪授業が終わった後で、家に帰る - after i finish class, i will go home
[noun + の + 後で]
↪学校の後で、家に帰る - after school . i will go home
[by itself]
↪後で、寝ました - later, i slept
if [A], then [B] = Konditionalform
(implies strong connection between those events, not used w/ an obvious outcome/facts/reality)
↪ピザじゃなければ食べない - if its not pizza, i wont eat it
[verb u->e + ば]
↪行く -> 行けば - if you walk, then..
↪食べる -> 食べれば - if you eat, then…
[verb & i-adj neg. nai weg + なければ]
↪行けない -> 行けなければ - if you dont walk, then…
↪大きくない - > 大きくなければ - if its not big, then…
[i-adj ければ statt last い]
↪ 大きい -> 大きければ - if its big, then…
[na-adj & noun + ならば / であれば]
↪きれいなれば / ピザであれば - if its clean/pizza, then…
[na-adj & noun + じゃなければ / ではなければ]
↪きれいじゃなければ / ピザではなければ - if its not clean/pizza, then… (casual/formal)
場合は (ばあいは)
in the event of; in the case of/that (used for facts, opinions, advice)
↪火事の場合は、119をかけます - in the case of a fire
only; nothing but (used to express surprise, shock, judgement)
↪勉強ばかりしている - doing nothing but study
[nouns or verbs te-form]
↪お菓子ばかり - nothing but sweets
↪食べてばかり - nothing but eat
just by; just by doing; only with
[verb/noun + だけで]
↪見るだけでわかる - i understand just by looking
↪これだけで十分です - its enough just with this
出す (not to take out)
to begin to; to start to; to burst into (only used for phsyical things to add movement)
[verb stem form + 出す]
↪歌う -> 歌いだす - to start singing
to be (more polite form of です, honorific である)
↪お忘れでございますか - have you forgotten?
でも (not but)
~or something; how about~ (not the only option, suggesting smth to the listener)
↪ゲームでもしましょう - lets play games or something
right?; isnt it? (formal)
↪これはケーキではないか - this is a cake, isnt it?
は / が必要 (は / がひつよう)
need; necessary
↪ハンカチはひつようない - as for handkerchiefs, i dont need them
↪あなたがひつよう - it is you that i need / the one that i need is you
to smell; hear; taste; feel (used after noun)
↪いいにおいがする - to smell something nice
↪声がする - to hear a voice
↪気がする - to feel a feeling
がる / がっている
to show signs of; to appear; to feel; to think (turns adjectives into verbs)
[adj. い away + がる / がっている]
↪何をそんなに恐がっているんだ? - what are being so afraid of? (what are you showing signs of being scared of?)
↪寒がっている - (showing signs of) being cold
someone tends to; has a tendency to; has a sensitivity to (turns adjective into noun to describe personality)
↪恐い (scary) -> 恐がり - have a tendency to be scared (noun)
↪はずかしがりや - a person who has the tendency to be shy
to be; to exist (polite form of ある)
↪私はけいかくがございます - i have a plan
it must be; it should be (expectation)
[verb jisho form + はずだ]
↪カメラがあるはずだな - the camera should exist
[noun + の + はずだ]
↪これは私の本のはずだ - this should be my book
[i/na adj (w/ な) + はずだ]
↪映画はおもしろいはずだです- the movie should be interesting
↪部屋はきれいなはずだ - the room should be clean
smth cannot be (impossible) (neg of はずだ)
[verb jisho form + はずがない]
↪カメラがあるはずだな - the camera shouldnt exist
[noun + の + はずがない]
↪これは私の本のはずだ - its impossible that this book is mine
[i/na adj (w/ な) + はずがない]
↪映画はおもしろいはずです- the movie cannot be interesting
↪部屋はきれいなはずがない - the room cannot be clean
必要がある (ひつようがある)
need to; it is necessary to
[verb + ひつようがある ]
↪勉強する必要がある - it is necessary to study
意向形 (いこうけい)
lets do; shall we = volitional form
[verb replace る with よう]
↪見る -> 見よう - lets see
[verb replace う with おう]
↪読む -> 読もう - lets read
[irregular verbs]
↪する -> しよう - lets do
↪来る -> 来よう - lets come
to be; to come; to go (polite form of 来る, 行く& いる - sonkeigo - other peoples actions)
↪どこから来ましたか -> どこからいらっしゃったんですか - where are you from?
↪友達が行く -> 友達がいらっしゃる - my friend is going
↪かのじょがいる -> かのじょがいらっしゃる - she is here
to do (polite form of する, kenjyougo - own action, putting self down and listener up)
↪お手伝いをいたします - i will help you
right?; isnt it?; lets~ (confirmation)
↪遅いじゃないか - he is late, isnt he?
whether or not
[noun/verb/adj + かどうか]
↪正しいかどうかわかりません - i dont know whether or not its correct
i wonder (feminine)
↪勉強するかしら? - i wonder if i will study?
turns sentence into a yes or no question (casual)
might; perhaps (indicates possibility)
[verb/noun/adj + かもしらない]
↪高いかもしれない - it might be expensive
i wonder; should i? (gender-neutral)
↪面白いかな? - i wonder if its interesting?
で/から 作る
made with / made from
↪この机は木で作られています - this table is made with wood
↪この机は木から作られています - this table is made from wood
(can be used interchangeably)
surely; undoubtedly; most likely; almost certainly
↪明日は、きっと雨でしょう - as for tomorrow, it will surely rain, i think
頃 (ごろ / ころ)
around; about; when
[ごろ - used w/ nouns of time]
↪五時ごろ - around 5 o’clock
[ころ - used w/ verbs, adj, nouns (+の)]
↪わかいころ - (around) when i was young
↪さくらがさくころ - (around) when cherry blossoms bloom
↪子供のころ - (around) when i was a child
verb nominalizer (turns verb into noun)
↪食べる -> 食べること - eating
to have things to do; there are times when~; sometimes do~
↪まだすることがある - there are still things to do
↪たまにピザを食べることがある - there are times when i eat a pizza sometimes
can; able to
↪日本語を話すことができる - i am able to / can speak Japanese
it has been decided that; it turns out that (used when it was influenced by external factors)
↪来月、アメリカにひっこすことになりました - It has been decided that I will move to America next month
to decide on
↪出かけることにした - you decided to go out
to make something~
[adj i weg + くする]
↪大きい -> 大きくする - to make something big
[na adj + にする]
↪きれいにする - to make something clean
急に (きゅう)
quickly; immediately; hastily; suddenly; abruptly; unexpectedly
↪急に止まるな! - dont suddenly stop like that!
by; by the time (indicates time limit, deadlines)
↪三十さいになるまでに、けっこんしたいです - i want to get married by the time im 30 y/o
as it is; current state; without changing~
[used for nouns, adj]
↪むかしのまま - the same as long ago
↪熱いまま - left in the state of being hot
↪きれいなまま - left in the state of being pretty
[verbs - ONLY with past/negative forms of verbs]
↪開けたまま - left in the state of being left open (開ける)
↪しないまま - left in the state of being undone (する)
both; or; otherwise; choice between A or B
↪melon panまたはchoco panを食べますか
like; similar to; it seems like; resembling (used after reasoning or judgement that smth seems a certain way) (spoken version of ようだ)
[used for nouns, verbs, adj]
↪夏みたいだ - its like summer
↪つ寒いみたいだ - it seems cold
↪難しいみたいだ - it seems difficult
like; similar to~; it seems like (not at the end of a sentence, used to modify a noun to be similar to a noun or verb)
↪あなたみたいな人はすごいと思うよ - i think a person like you is amazing
↪かれが持っているみたいなパソコンがほしい - i want a computer like the one he has
like; similar to~; it seems like (used to modify verbs and adjectives to be similar to nouns or verbs)
↪子供みたいにあそんでいる - playing like children ()
↪たくさん人がいるみたいに見えるけれど - it looks like there are a lot of people (verb modifying verb)
as many as; as much as; up to; nearly~ (ALWAYS after a counter of number or time)
↪何百年も - up to several hundred years
dont ~ (directly order someone to not do smth)
[verb jisho form + な]
↪開けるな - dont open it
while; during; as (actions taking time at the same time)
[verb + ながら is 2nd action]
↪飲みながら、話しましょう - lets talk while we drink
not easy to; struggling to; not able to~
↪なかなか寝れない - im struggling to sleep
very; considerably; fairly; quite; rather; easily; readily; higher
↪なかなかきれいな花ですよね - its quite a pretty flower isnt it?
must do smth; have to do smth (more stiff/formal/written version of なくてはいけない) (used with sense of obligation coming from urself)
[verb nai form + ければいけない]
↪学校も行けなきゃいけないです - you also have to go to school
must do smth; have to do smth (used when with sense of obligation coming from society or rules)
[verb nai form + ければならない]
↪宿題を終わらせなければならない - i must finish my homework
if; in the case that~ (only used with uncertain outcome)
[adj/verb/noun + なら]
↪熱いなら - if youre hot
↪ほしいなら - if you want
↪ぼくたちなら - if its us