Grammar - قواعد Flashcards
Plural gender (in فصحى )
All plurals in فسحه are feminine except when the plural is of human beings.
In egyptian dialect, the plural has no gender.
.Active ( اسم الفاعل ) and passive particible ( )
Active ( اسم الفاعل ) and passive particible ( ) start with ُم if the verb (in its third single past ) is made of more than 3 words
(He) Spent انفق - Active particple منفِق
Active participles has a كسره at the letter before last ( of singular male form)
Active participle the فاعل is known
Whereas passive participle has a فتحه at the letter before last ( of singular male form).
Passive participle the فاعل is not know.
Country, city gender
All cities and countries are feminine
واحد one
اثنان two
ثلاثة Three
أربعة four
Five خمسة
ستة six
سبعة seven
ثمانية eight
تسعة nine
ten عشرة
twenty عشرون
thirty ثلاثون
forty أربعون
fifty خمسون
sixty ستون
seventy سبعون
eighty ثمانون
ninety تسعين
hundred مائة
Conjugation - الف in middle of word
If in the third past tense the word has an الف in the middle of the word, the الف transforms to ي or و in present tense.
Like استطاع (He could) becomes تستطيع (she can)
Indefinite nouns (only in فصحى)
only in فصحى
When an indefinite noun like مركز that has a كسره on its last letter will receive a اً if it becomes a definit noun like المركزاً
Is this for فصحى only or also in the Egyptian dialect
In Egyptian dialect, the pronoun with معع will take a new form different than in فسحا
فسحا. Egyptian
معي. معايا
معه. معاه
معها. معاها
ال becomes الّ
When a word starts with ل and aquires the definit article ال the ال will become الّ (with a ضَمَه)
Commands - imparative
All commands have a sokun at the last letter
only Fosha commands in present tense ***
The letter ‘ِل’ in front of any present tense verb translates that verb into a command in the form of ‘lets’
EX لِنأخذ = let us take
لَ versus لِ
The prefix لَ Means has-have / had
Therefore لَها means she has/ had and لَهم means they have/had.
____________________ لِ ______________
Note: لٍنا means ‘for us’
**در فصحة فقط*****
The prefix لِ indicates a soft command such as ‘let’s’ when it is prefixed to a verb in present tense. the same meaning as the word دعونا.
*In Egyptian dialect (ED)
And let’s is expssed by the word خلينا
Passive voice
The passive voice is based on the male single past tense of a past verb like عمل. The passive voice is structured with a ُ (ضمه) for the first letter and a ِ (كسره) for the letter before the last such as عُمِل. or مُفرِض.
Note 1:
Verbs like أزال meaning remove that have an (alf) ا for the letter before last can not simply accept a (kasra) ِ . The ا will be change to a ي instead. So the passive voice for آزال will beاُزيل meaning has/had been removed.
The letter ف as a connector between two parts of a sentenceIn (في فصحة فقط)
‘ف’ دو بخش یک جمله را به هم متصل می کند
** در اول جمله ف مفهوم ‘و’ and را می دهد
(في فصحةفقط) لَم two aspects of
** In fosha only ***
1) when لم is used as a negation it puts the sentences in the past (it is used as negation for past) all the verb in the sentence will be in present form.
(في فصحى فقط) هما versus ها
** Only used iIn Fosha **م
The م in هما(f) ، هم(m) are used only for humans for masculine and feminine respectively and
For non humans as those for masculine and feminine as (m) ها، ه (f) respectively
In ED They and those has the same form as (m) ها، ه (f)
The superlative form is الکثر = most and must always follow an adjective like اکثر جمیل= most beautiful.
This form, الکثر will be followed by a adjective that can’t have the ال even if the noun is defenit and starts with ال.
الاخها الکثر جمیل
When تم comes it indicates 1) there is no need for a فاعل in the sentce like the ‘was’ in -it was brought - 2) a the following noun will become a verb (part of the verb)
3) = Done, complete
4) it is in the past
سيتم فيها توحيد شعوب أوروبا وآسيا
The سیتم ( س + ي+ تم) indicating masculine and future tense will transform توحید meaning unification into a verb سیتم توحبد will be united
ما اگر اول جمله بیاید
ما اگر اول جمله بیاید بمعنی what است
أن between two verbs
When 2 verbs follow each other أن must be placed between them
بشکل/ وجه على/repetition of verb as noun
This preceeds an adjective and changes it into an adverb such as بشکل وثیق=closely (وثیق=close)
وجه على التحديد = specifically
The same transformation can happen by repeating the verb (the second time in the form of a noun) change the adjective to adverb however the adjecti and added noun both terminate in “ا.
یرتبط إعادة البناء الاشتراكي لجهاز ارتباطا” وثيقا” بالعمل السياسي
When ى changes to ي
If the last letter of a verb is ى , the letter will change to ي if a suffix is attach to the verb
أدى»_space;> أدينا
مضاف و مضافالیه
ال connecting two nouns
In English two nouns can be connected with an ‘of’ such as ‘scool of medicine’
In arabic this will be achieved with ال like ‘ مدرسة الطب ‘. In Arabic is called مضاف و مضافالیه. If there are several مضافالیه only the last one will receive an ال.
If the first noun ends with a ن then the ن will be dropped
Sick letters احرف العلة ????
The three letters ا , و , and ى are called احرف العلة. If the past singular masculine form of a three letter verb (فعل) contains the احرف العلة in the middle, these letter will be omitted 1) in the present form of the verb 2) in all past tenses of the verb except for he she, they (all third persons) like
رأى= he saw but He sees = يرى
I saw = رأيت but I see = أرى
2) if a noun like (منافي) is followed by another noun like (للعقل) the sick letter is teplaced by a كسرة like منافِ للعقل
علي + suffux
When علي receives a suffix it means ‘let’ such as ‘ let us = علينا ‘
ف as prefix
One of the meanings of ف is to indicate that the following sentence is the result of the first sentence.
Pronouncing فاعل
Adjectives follow the فاعل and have the same form. The فاعل always ends with a ضمه at the last letter and its adjectives end always with a کسره at the last letter.
مفعول به pronunciation
Note مفعول به has always a فتح on the last letter like النخبتةَ in the sentence below
تغدي حکومةُ القیادةِ السیطرةِ النخبتةَ الکبری
اسم pronunciation
All proposition such as ب will always force a کسرة on the last letter such as below
مبتدا و خبر pronunciation
Zaid got up = قَامَ زَيدٌ
Zayd has risen = زَيدٌ قَامَ
If the verb is mentioned before the subject as in the first case, then it is فاعل. If the subject comes before as in the second sentence, then it is مبتدأ but for a مبتدا خبر relation the verb becomes a noun يزيد قائم and a مبتدا gets always a ضمه on the last letter such as التنظیمُ in هو التنظیمُ الحکومي.
If its a plural for humans the ضمه becomes a و
Pronounciationg of VERBs with some suffixes
The suffix ل if connected to a verb is not a proposition. There are 7 similar suffixes that once connected to a verb will force a فتح on the last letter such as لیشملَ in the following example
تم توسیعه لیشملَ المجتمع باکمله = It was expanded to include the whole society
Pronunciation NOUNs that follow
إنَّ أنَّ كأنَّ لكنَّ ليتَ لعلَّ
nouns that follow
إنَّ أنَّ كأنَّ لكنَّ ليتَ لعلَّ
Have a فتحه on the last letter.
Different negations
Will not - Negation for future
Is a negation for sentences in the past tense but the verbs will be in the present tense.
فصحة it is a negation only for past tenses.
If this becomes at the beginning of a sentense that is in presnt tense it is ‘maybe’ otherwise it is an emphasis
تم versus قم
تم versus قم =Done, complete
1) it puts an emphasis on a verb
2) it changes a noun into a verb.
3) the whole sentence is in the past
This is like قم with the difference that 1) تم can not have any suffix but قم may have a fuffix like قمنا
2) the preposition ب must be used with قم.
حروف شمسی و قمری
شمسی= ز ذ ض ظ س ص ث ت ط ل ن ش
حروف قمری = ابغِ حَجَّكَ وَخَفْ عَقيمَه
قاعده در ساخت فعل امری
۱) هر گاه اولین حرف ریشه فعل ذر زمان حال بی صدا باشد فعل امر با همزه(أ ) شروع می شود.
۱) هر گاه اولین حرف ریشه فعل ذر زمان حال بی صدا باشد فعل امر با همزه(أ ) شروع می شود
قواعد تلفظ passive voice
اولین حرف ریشه فعل ماضی (هو در زمان گذشته) ضمه ( ُ ) می گیرد و حرف ماقبل آخر کسره ( ِ )
** حال ****
اولین حرف ریشه فعل حال (هو در زمان حال) ضمه ( ُ ) می گیرد و حرف ماقبل آخر فتح ( َ )
???????Helping verb + ب
Helping verb that attaches with ب makes any noin to a verb
قام+ ضمیر
Comes infront of any noun and makes it verb
Plural for humans
Plurals for humans end in ون or ین.
If a suffix attaches to the plural the ن woll be dropped like مالكون Becomes مالكوها with the ها personal pronoun as a suffix.
Suffixes andعلي
Everytime a personal pronoun is suffixed to على the translation become maybe..
A back and forth action
If a ا (الف) is added in the middle of a verb the verb points to a action that gows back and forth such as
التدافع = scrample
التدفع = push
هذا + verb
If هذا comes with a verb the two grt seperated and one is placed first the other after noun.
Changes noun to an adjective
Pronounciation of اسم الفاعل واسم المفعول
At the first let us remember the meaning of اسم الفاعل واسم المفعول.
اسم الفاعل(A
Ismualfail means and points: to somebody who makes or does somthing. Ex.: أنا مُسافر = i am a traveller (somebody who does something)
اسم المفعول (B
İsmualmafuul means and points: to some thing that was made and ot is every time use as an adjective for noun.Ex: الرسالة مكتوبة (a message is written) is written describes yhe message like any ither adjective.
Now how we can to make the Ismualfail and İsmualmafuul? We have two ways:
1. When we have a verb consisting of three letters in the past for He. Like : شرب ، عمل، قرأ .
A) اسم الفاعل
We can change that verb to Ismualfail by changing that verb in the form of فاعل. That means : شرب will become شارِب ( means a person who drinks)
Or عمل to عامل ( means that person who works) etc.
B) اسم المفعول
But for İsmualmafuul we can change that verb to İsmualmafuul through conjugateging that verb by making it as the following form: مفعول. that means: شرب will become مشروب ( that means something “was drunk”) عمل will become معمول ( that means something was worked) etc.
The second way is: when we have a verb consisting of more than three letters with ‘he’ in the past: we need to conjugate it as: for ismulfail we need to put MIM + DAMMA for the beginig+ KASRA for the letter before last one like: أنفق this verb has more than three letters with ‘he’ in the past so we can apply our grammer : مُنفِق ( a person who spends something) ,طالبَ to demand: this verb more than three with he in the past so we can to apply our grammer : مُطالِب ( a person who demands with something)
Now ismulmaful when we have a verb with more than three with ‘he’ in the past we need to put MIM + DAMMA for the beginig+ FATHA for the letter before last one : أنفق will becomes as : مُنفَق (that means something is spent) and we need to use it as adjective for a noun. Another ex: طالَبَ will become: مُطالَب (that means something is demanded and we need to use it as ajective for a noun.
There will be always a مبتدا و خبر after کانت and others alike such as لیس
Note the مبتدا has ضمه and the خبر has فتحه.
Changing adjective to noun - ذات
After ذات the noun will become as an adjective for the previous noun
SomevFeminine adjectives wirh ة
If the singular masculine of an adjective of in the افعل form the singularvfeminine of this adjective will be in the ؤفعلا form such as
Adjective احمق becames حمقا ء
فعل versus استفعل
When the verb is in the form of استفعل it indicates that the verb فعل is requested such as
Peace سلم with است in other words استسلم means (give me peace) surrender
Comparative adjectives come before noun
Like اکثر
Plural verbs that are conjugated as singular.
1) All present tens verbs at the beginning of a sentence are conjugated as singular
2) if the a plural-third person verb (for they) apears before the subject, the verb will be conjugated as singular EVEN IF ITS IN THE MIDDLE OF A SENTENCE.
مبتدا و خبر
Indicates the following is
مبتدا و خبر
Gives مبتدا a فتحة and خبر an ضمة
Gives مبتدا a ضمة and خبر an فتحة
1) almost all verbs with more then 3 letter (in masculine past tense) get a کسر ة on the letter before last.
Note the single masculine past tense of thses verbs get a فتحة
2) all command verbs with more then 3 letters get an ا at the beginning.
If آن has a سکون it will be folloqed by the infinitive form ofvthe verb (to…)
But with a شدة it inducates مبتدا و خبر.
With these words مبتدا will get فتحة and خبر gets a ضمة
The sick letters will be drop at the end with
لم، لن، أن
in the future or past is اذا - the following verb is always past
In the present is إن
If = لو when it does not take place such -as if you would have done ……. then ……would happen -