Grammar Flashcards
Gender of days, months, seasons of the year, points of the compass
m: der Sonntag [Sunday], März [March], Herbst [autumn], Osten [East].
But: das Jahr [year], die Woche [week] (but: der Mittwoch [Wednesday]).
Gender of most nouns ending in the suffixes -er, -el, -ling
m: der Lehrer [teacher], Wecker [alarm clock], Fremdling [stranger], Feigling [coward], Schlüssel [key].
But: die Trommel [drum], die Butter [butter], das Fenster [window], die Schwester [sister], die Mutter [mother], das Wetter [weather], das Zimmer [room].
most nouns ending in -en
m: der Boden [floor; ground; soil], Regen [rain], Wagen [car; wagon].
nouns with the suffixes -ant, -ar, -är, -ent, -eur, -ier, -ist, -or, -ismus
m: er Spekulant [speculator], Kommissar [commissar], Volontär [trainee], Friseur [barber], Student [student], Offizier [officer], Tourist [tourist], Lektor [(publisher’s) editor; adjunct teacher], Kapitalismus [capitalism].
brands of car
m: der Mercedes, Porsche, Ford.