Grammar Flashcards
이에요 / 예요
이에요/예요 attaches to the end of a noun to make it the
predicate of the sentence.
이에요/예요 is used to express that the subject and
predicate are the same thing.
Noun ends in a vowel + 예요
Noun ends in a consonant + 이에요
MEANS - ‘There, that, they’ / ‘Is, am, are’
에 is used with 있다/없다 to express the location of a person or object. Position marker
이 / 가
이 / 가 is a particle used after nouns to indicate the subject of the sentence.
Noun ends in vowel + 가
Noun ends in consonant + 이
(으)세요 / 세요
Comes after verbs to express a command or
Verb ends in a consonant + 으세요
Verb ends in a vowel + 세요
(스)ᄇ니다 / ᄇ니다
(스)ᄇ니다 is the present tense of the formal polite style. When we want to ask something in formal polite style, we add (스)ᄇ니까 to a verb stem.
Verb stem ends in a consonant + 습니다
Verb stem ends in a vowel + ᄇ니다
(스)ᄇ니까 / ᄇ니까
QUESTION - (스)ᄇ니다 is the present tense of the formal polite style. When we want to ask something in formal polite style, we add (스)ᄇ니까 to a verb stem.
Verb stem ends in a consonant + 습니까
Verb stem ends in a vowel + ᄇ니까
았 / 었어요
았/었어요 is used after a verb or adjective to express past tense.
Final vowel of the verb or adjective stem is ᅡ,ᅩ + -았어요 예)가다+았어요 > 갔어요 오다+았어요 > 왔어요
Final vowel of the verb or adjective stem is not ᅡ,ᅩ + -었어요 예)먹다+었어요 > 먹었어요 마시다+었어요 > 마셨어요
에서 is a particle that comes after a noun to express where the action is taking place. 에서 is used with action verbs.
(으)ᄅ까요 / ᄅ까요
(으)ᄅ까요 is used to ask for the listener’s opinion and also used to make a suggestion or an offer.
‘Shall we’ ‘Should we’ etc
(으)ᄅ 거예요 / ᄅ 거예요
(으)ᄅ 거예요 comes after verb stems to indicate things that will happen or plans in the future.
고 is used with a verb and adjective stem and ‘noun+이다’ to connect two or more actions, states, or facts.
그래서 (so therefore) comes at the beginning of a sentence to indicate that
the previous sentence is the reason for this sentence
(으)ᄅ래요 Is used to express the speaker’s intention or to ask the listener’s intention. ‘Want to.’
그런데 is used at the beginning of a sentence to express a
contrast with the previous sentence. ‘But’
도 is usually attached to a noun.
It indicates that the noun is an addition to something else.
When 도 is added to a subject or object particle, the particle is omitted,
leaving only 도.
그리고 comes at the beginning of a sentence to connect it to the previous sentence
하고 is used to connect two nouns
‘But, However’ and attaches to Verb stem form.
이/가 걸리다
이/가 걸리다 is attached to a duration of time to indicate how long it takes to do something eg. 택시를 타세요. 삼십 분이 걸려요
걸리다 is attached to an adverb to indicate how long it takes to do something eg 택시를 타세요. 버스는 오래 걸려요.
무슨 comes in front of a noun to ask what kind something is.
N(으)로 means ‘by means of.’
N (tool, method, way: by, using, with…..)
(C+으로 / V+로)
(으)로 is used with a noun to express the direction of the
에서 / 까지
에서 / 까지 comes after a noun that indicates location to
express the departure and arrival site.
아/어 주다
아/어 주다 is attached to a verb stem to indicate that the
speaker is doing something for someone.
을/를 잘하다 / 을/를 잘 못하다 / 을/를 못하다
‘을/를 잘하다‘ is used to express that someone is good at something. On the other hand, ‘을/를 잘 못하다‘ expresses that someone is not good at something. ‘을/를 못하다‘ is used to express that someone is unable to do something.
아/어 보다
아/어 보다 is attached to a verb stem to express trying out or experiencing an action.
고 싶다
고 싶다 is attached to a verb stem to indicate the speaker’s wish or desire.
1st person (나, 저, 우리): declarative only
나는 여행을 가고 싶어요.
저는 딸기우유를 마시고 싶어요.
우리는 내일 드라마 촬영지에 갈 거예요.
2nd person: interrogative only
가 : 주말에 뭘 하고 싶어요?
나 : 저는 영화를 보고 백화점에 가서 쇼핑을
하고 싶어요.
3rd person: -고 싶어 하다
로라 씨는 온천에 가고 싶어 해요.
제 동생은 저녁에 불고기를 먹고 싶어 해요.
V(으)려고 하다 (C+으려고 / V+려고)
어떤행동을할의도나욕망,또는계획을가지고있음을나타낼때사용합니다. ‘-(으)려고 하다‘ indicates intention, desire, or plan to do a certain action.
이/가 걸리다
이/가 걸리다 is attached to a duration of time to indicate how long it takes to do something.
가: 박물관에 어떻게 가요?
나: 택시를 타세요. 삼십 분이 걸려요.
걸리다 is attached to an adverb to indicate how long it takes to do something.
예) 택시를 타세요. 버스는 오래 걸려요.
지요 is attached to the ‘verb, adjective or noun+이다’ stem to request for confirmation or agreement about what the speaker believes to be true. The English equivalent is ‘is that right’ or ‘…isn’t it?’
(으)ᄂ is attached to an adjective stem to modify a noun to
describe its status.
Adjective stem ends in a consonant + 은
예) 음악을 들어요. 음악이 좋아요 > 좋은 음악을 들어요.
Adjective stem ends in a vowel + ᄂ 예)집에서살아요.집이커요. > 큰집에서살아요.
Adjectives paired with ‘있다 or 없다‘ such as ‘재미있다/재미없다 ‘use ‘-는‘ as in ‘재미있는 or 재미없는’ instead of (으)ᄂ
예) 어제 영화를 봤어요. 영화는 재미없었어요.
> 어제 재미없는 영화를 봤어요.
예) 저녁에 샌드위치를 만들 거예요. 샌드위치는 맛있어요.
> 저녁에 맛있는 샌드위치를 만들 거예요.
V/A/N이다+(으)시- (honorific)
으시 is used when the word stem ends in a consonant other than ᄅ.
예) 할아버지는 책을 읽으십니다. 할아버지는 책을 읽으셔요[읽으세요].
예) 아버지가 전화를 받으십니다. 아버지가 전화를 받으셔요[받으세요].
시 is used when the word stem ends in a vowel or ᄅ.
예) 어머니는 요리를 하십니다. 어머니는 요리를 하셔요[하세요]. 예) 할아버지는 선생님이십니다. 할아버지는 선생님이셔요[선생님이세요].
예) 아버지는 의사십니다. 아버지는 의사셔요[의사세요]
Both 셔요 and 세요 can be used but ‘세요’ is used more when we speak. But when we conjugate words to the past honorific, then we have to use ‘셔요’.
예) 어머니는 요리를 하셨어요. (하셌어요X)
예) 할아버지는 선생님이셨어요. (선생님이셌어요X)