Grammaire/ syntaxique élément Flashcards
When we use simple aspect is because:
Complete action/ action starting et finishing/ important when using number
When we use progressif/continuous aspect is because:
Focus: duration of the action/ between star and finish of an action, never permanent
EX: She is probably sleeping right now. (For her sleep have start but not finish)
- Live, work, play, earn: temporary action
- Short action : Dont use in continuous aspect
Les Stative verb - seen permanent/ do not change?
- Verb of perception: See, look, feel, taste, seem, recognize…
- Verbs of emotion: want, prefer, love, hate, hope, forgive…
- Thinking verbs: Know, think, believe, remember, consider…
-other: Owe, own, deserve, cost, contain, intend…
Simple present ?
- Express habit, usual activities, general statement or fact
- I/You/we/They Write/ don’t write/
- He/she/it Writes/ doesn’t write
Question: (Why) do I/You/we/They write letters?
(When) Does He/she/it write letters?
Present continuous?
-Express an activity that is in progress (is happening) right now. The event began in the past, is in progress now and will probably continue in the future
- I Am writing… / I am not writing…
- He/she/it is writing… / isn’t writing…
-You/ we/ they are writing/ aren’t writing…
Question: -(Why) am I writing…
-(When) are you/we/ther writing…
-(where) is he/she/it writing…
Time indicator present?
- Adv of frequency: Always, never, sometimes, frequently, occasionally, etc.
- Others: From time to time, on Saturdays, Three time a week, etc
- Anything that indicate the future: Next … day, in … day/months, etc.
Time indicator present continuous?
- (right) now, currently, presently, more and more, less and less, these days, etc.
- Anything that indicate the future: Next … day, in … day/months, etc.
Past simple VS Past progressif/continuous
Past simple: The interruption (that time)
Past progressif/continuous : thing in progress and possibility of stop (interruption) and this action continues after the stop
EX: Dan was typing (P.P) when a banana hit (past) him in the head.
Simple past?
-I/you/he/we/they wrote (irr. veb= check dictionnary) if regular ad -ed
-I/you/he/we/they did not/ didn’t write…
(why) did I/you/he/we/they write…
Past continuous/progressive
-I/he/she was writing… / Was not, wasn’t writing
-you/we/they were writing… /were not, weren’t writing
(Why) was I/he/she writing…?
(When) were you/we/they writing…?
Time indicator past ?
- Anything that indicates the past: _ days/months, etc
- When, all of a sudden, etc.
- Anything that indicate frequency (adv): always, sometimes, never, seldom, etc, / time to time, on saturdays, etc.
Time indicator past continuous/progressive?
- While, as, during, etc.
- Anything that indicate the past: Last_, On _ (a date or day), etc.
Time clause?
Main clause?
- Introduce by after, before, until, as soon as, while, when…/ commence la phrase, on mets un virgule.
- Sujet, verb, object.
Used to+ base verb?
- Past habit, past routine are not true anymore.
- I used to play…
- I didn’t used/use to play…
- I never used to… (other negative form)
- Did you used (use) to go…?
- Express duration or how long something have happen
- While + verb form
- With a noun to express when something happen
Possessive noun?
An apostrophe ‘ and a -s are used with noun to show possession.
- Singular: Noun+’+ s = Student’s
- Plural : Noun+ -s + ‘ = Students’
- Irregular: Noun+ ‘ + -s = men’s / children’s
Règle for Irregular plural noun
- -f or -fe become -ves = Calf -> calves
Exception: Beliefs, chiefs, cliffs, cuffs, roofs - -O takes -S or -ES : auto-> autos (look in the dictionnary)
- Noun do not change : Deer-> deer
- Some noun always plural : scissors, pyjama, etc.
- some borrowed from other language : Bacterium -> bacteria
Règle for irregular plurial (to memorized)
Die : dice Fireman: Firemen Foot : Feet Goose : geese Man: men Mouse : mice Tooth: teeth Woman: Women Child : Children Ox : Oxen Person : people
Countable noun
- Noun you can count, become plural
- You can draw count noun/ borders of count noun are defined
Non-count noum /Uncountable
-Noun cannot count/ don’t become plural
-Cannot visualise the border of non-count noun, cannot draw the border.
Longman dictionary : « U»
Question to ask about count and non-count noum
1. Noun : countable or uncountable Count noun 2. If the noun singular : a ,an, one, each, every, etc. 3. If the noun is plural Regular - Add -s -Add -es after x, zz, ch, sh, s -After consonant, change y to i and add es : Baby= babies Irregular - Memorized (dans un autre flashcard)
Quantifier for count noun
A few / few/ a couple of/ many/ a/ an/ Several