Commoly confused words Flashcards
Arrive VS Happen
Mot français: Arriver
Arrive: Final destination
Happen : event (unexpected)
Borrow from VS Lend to
Mot Français: emprunter, prêter
Borrow from: Take temporarily with promise to return
Lent to: To give something to someone temporarily
Dead VS died VS death (s)
Mot français : Mort
Dead: adjective/ no longer living
Died: simple past verb / lost his-her live
Death(s): Noun / no vital function
Earn VS Win
Mot français: Gagner
Earn: for a salary/ deserve
Win: To finish first, victory
Fun VS Funny
Mot français: Amusant
Fun: Noun / adjective / something that provide amusement (Pleasant, enjoyable)
Funny: Noun / providing fun, laughter
Learn VS Teach
Mot français: Enseigner
Learn (Learnt/ learned): To gain/ receive knowledge
Teach (taught): Give instruction or knowledge or to inform someone
Leave VS Let
Mot français: Laisser
Leave: To go ou of or away from a place or person
Let: To allow or permit someone
Like VS as
Mot français: Comme
Like: Adjective / Similar(ly) to / for example/ such as
As: Adverb/ in the role of/ because
= the same as = equality
Live vs leave
Mot français: Laisser
Live: Live / pink - Live /white (en direct)
Leave: Green
Lose VS loss VS loose
Lose: Opposite of win (Verb)
Loss: a defeat (noun)
Loose: opposite of tight (Ex: Global-1 doesn’t have loose rule)
Quit VS Leave
Mot français: quitter
Quit: to stop doing something, you can physically quit a place
Leave: To go away from a place or person
Really VS very
Really : In reality, actually + verb or adjective
Very : in a high degree, extremely + adjective or adverb
Remember VS Remind of
Mot français: rappeller
Remember: to have memory of
Remind of: Cause a person to think of someone or something / outside influence
Still VS again VS always
Still: Continuously, no interruption
Again : Another time
Always : every time , all the time
That VS Then Vs Than
That: Pronoun relative that identifies a specific person or thing or animal
Then : Conjunctive adverb (after, later, at one point)
Than : Conjunction/ comparisons of inequality / ex: She is fatter than her brother