Gramatika 2 Flashcards
Cekaji na nekoho? (prave ted)
Are they waiting for somebody?
Co studuje Jess na univerzite?
What is Jess studying at college?
Emily prave zacala novou praci.
Emily has just started a new job.
Uziva si Kate jeji novou praci?
Is Kate enjoying her new job
Muzeum zavira ve 4hodiny v sobotu.
The museum closes at 4 o clock on Saturdays.
Co obvykle delas o vikendech?
What do you usually do at the weekends?
Jak dlouho ti to trva se dpstat do prace?
How long does it take you to get to work?
Vzdycky udelas stejnou chybu.
You always make the same mistake.
Malokdy koukaji na televizi.
they hardly ever watch TV.
Trvam na tom
I insist.
Jake to bylo?
What was it like?
Kde jsi byl?
Where were you?
Byli drahe?
Were they expensive?
Jsou stale tu nebo odesli domu?
Are they still here or have they gone home?
Prave jsem obedval.
I’ve just had lunch.