Gramatika Flashcards
Jeste to neskocil.
He hasn’t finished it yet.
Pohadali se.
they have had an argument
Ztratil jeho klice.
He has lost his key.
Zajimalo by me, proc je James dnes tak hodny.
I wonder why James is being so nice today.
Delal jsem prilis dlouho stejnou praci.
I’ve been doing the same job for too long.
Tesila jsem se na to.
I was looking forward to it.
Jak dlouho tu zijes?
How long have you lived here?
Jak dlouho to trva dostat se na letiste?
How long does it take to get to the airport?
Velmi zritka.
Very rarely.
Koupila jsem bochnik chleba
i brought a loaf of bread
Novinky byly nepredvidatelne
The news was unexpected.
fronta lidi
a queue of people
Kolik cizich jazyku umis?
How many forein languages do you speak?
v sobotu rano
on Saturday morning
vzdy na cas
always on time
V noci prselo.
It rained in the night.
Prihlaska musi byt prijata do patka.
Application must be received by Friday.
Od te doby jsem ji nevidela.
I haven’t seen her since then.
Zustavaji do patku
They’re staying until Friday.
Nikdy jsem nebyla v Japonsku.
I’ve never been to Japan.
Praferuji tuto zidli nez ostatni
I prefer this chair to the other one.
Jak by si utratil?
What did you spend it on?
Vcely a vosy jsou hmyz.
bee and wasps are insects
Nil a Amazon jsou reky
The Nile and the Amazon are rivers.
Mam bolave nohy.
I’ve got sore feet.
Zustali jame v levnem hotelu.
We are stayed at a very cheap hotel.
jednou za mesic
once a month
Ben mi rikal o jeho nove praci
Ben has been telling me about his new job.
Zustala u kamaradudo ted.
She’s been staying with friends until now.
Zacalo prset pred 2 hodinami.
It began raining two hours ago