gramatica generala Flashcards
cum se schimba la plural cuvintele terminate in -is
basis, crisis
bases, crises
se schimba terminatia in es
de ce nu este corect multiitem?
forma este ciudata, se foloseste cratima, multi-item
3 prefixe pentru cuvinte pentru care se foloseste cratima
un sufix pentru care se foloseste cratima
cum unim cuvintele pentru nr 125 si 6500
one twenty-fitth, sixty-five hundredths
temperatures this week are expected to be seasonal
seasonable - tipice pentru aceasta perioada
Fortuitously, the weather cleard up just in time for the picnic
I was not at all adverse to getting a raise greseala
averse=reluctante, advebse = unfavorable
exhausted, Tinny went to lay down on the sofa for a while Greseala
lie - descrie actiunea subiectului
lay - past tense of lay,
lay mai inseamna sa asezi ceva sau pe cineva
parents are assured that their children will be provided with healthy meals Greseala
if you are going to Antarctica, don’t forget to bring your camera / Greseala
take se foloseste pentru a duce ceva in alt loc,
bring se foloseste pentru a aduce ceva acolo unde esti
less than half the employees voted for the plan / Greseala
fewer - nu asa de multi indivizi
less - pentru o cantitate mai mica dintr-o singura unitate
a large amount of dishes were broken when the self collapsed / Greseala
number - cantitate de unitati individuale
amount - pentru a arata cat de multa cantitate este dintr-o singura entitate
hopefully it won’t be necessary for us to go such extremes / Greseala
We hope sau it’s to be hoped that
hopefully=full of hope
Erros like spelling mistakes make a resume look bad/ Greseala
such as = precum
like = similar to
the noise was literally enough to raise the dead / Greseala
virtually sau practically
literrally se foloseste cand este ceva metaforic care chiar se intampla in realitate
if you order now, you receive a free gift/ Greseala
gift is free
we hope to transition from the old schedule to the new one/ / Greseala
make a transition
transition nu e verb
criteria („on” greek words -„a”)
one aircraft, one series - plurale
two aircraft/ two series
she was disinterested in his story, and tried to change the subject / Greseala
uninterested - bored by
disinterested - impartial, objective
many of the inmatesc came from higly nonfunctional families / Greseala
dysfunctional - working badly
nonfunctional - not working at all
the instructor gave out a sheet that described his course and explained how the grading would be done / Greseala
, dupa course pentru a face clara exprimarea
she begged him to say so he did. De ce nu e virgula inainte de so?
Desi propozitiile sunt indepedende, sunt scurte.
therefore it just won’t be possible to finish building the opera house. / Greseala
, dupa elementul introductiv therefore
cand propozitia e simpla si exprimarea e clara fara virgula, se poate uita de ea.
we won’t finish on time, if you persist in sneezing. / Greseala
nu tb virgula, continuarea este esentiala, fraza nu ar putea exista fara a doua.
he didn’t like her because she was successful and talented. Ce se schimba daca punem virgula dupa her?
Fara virgula nu-i placea de ea pentru asta, dar ii placea pentru alte lucruri.
Cu virgula, nu-i placea pentru ca era de succes si talentata, probabil el nu era.
the boutique where I bought my wedding dress went out of business. De ce nu e virgula inainte de where?
pentru ca ajuta la identificarea magazinului
the barber, who had not missed a day of work in 15 years, was in his shop as usual. De ce virgule?
Pentru ca deja stim care e frizerul, acum am mai adaugat ceva la descrierea lui. Nu s-a identificat doar cu propozitia dintre virgule.
the only ones to show up were Monica and Bram, Sally, Bruce and Penelope, Arthur and Ethel, and Humphrey. De ce virgule?
pentru ca unii compun cupluri
she wore a pale green dress. De nu e virgula dupa pale?
Pentru ca pale e adj pentru green, nu pentru dress
Early spring days are often very cool. De ce nu e virgula dupa early?
Pentru ca nu modifica days ci spring.
She answered ‘Don’t be ridiculous’. Ce lipseste?
Virgula dupa answered
Since it was raining heavily, we took a taxi. E buna virgula?
Da, prima propozitie este element introductiv. Daca erau inversate, nu se mai punea virgula.
It was the only sound piece of advise. Greseala?
Advice e corect, advise e vb
it was a considerable time before I regained piece of mind. Greseala?
peace of mind
the French, the Italians, Spanish, and Portuguese. Greseala?
the si inainte de Spanish
In spring, summer, or in winter. Greseala?
In spring, summer, or winter.
In spring, in summer, or in winter.
Ori toate, ori doar prima.
Worsworth, in the fifth book of the Excursion, gives a minute description of this church. Greseala de stil?
Subiectul si predicatul nu tb despartite atunci cand fraza intercalata poate fi pusa la inceput.
All the members were not present. Greseala?
Not all the members were present. Modificatorii stau langa cuvantul pe care-l modifica.
He only found two mistakes. Greseala?
He found only two mistakes. Modificatorii stau langa cuvantul pe care-l modifica.
Care sunt timpii pe care iti folosim pentru sumarul unui poem, poveste sau nuvele? Pentru prezent, trecut si actiunea antecedenta..
Present Tense, Past Perfect sau Perfect pentru actiunea antecedenta.
'’I wouldn’t try it’’, he cautioned,’‘unless you know this.’’
virgula dupa it
I looked distrustfully at him, and he looked distrustfully at me. / Scurteaza
, and he at me.
She isn’t quite as tall as I am./ Scurteaza
as I.
To err is human; to forgive divine. / Greseala
, dupa forgive pentru ca nu e ‘‘gramatical’’ fara virgula. ea inlocuieste verbul.
In 1994 3 candidates ran for the position. / Greseala
, dupa 1994. Metru intre 2 numere
Whatever it is in here that smells smells awful. / Greseala
, dupa smells pentru ca sunt aceleasi cuvinte
Whatever he does he does well. / Greseala
Virgula dupa he does. E aceeasi grupare de cuvinte.
The sources of information about each patient included reviews of videotapes, nursing notes and the researcher’s log, inspection of registers, indices and medical records, and an interview with the doctor. / Greseli
; dupa log si records pentru separarea genului de elemente.
The argument was goine nowhere, so we decided to drop it./ Inlocuieste ,so
; hence,