Diferite utlizări pentru același cuvânt Flashcards
pick up - 3 forme
pick up quickly (învață repede)
pick up some milk in my way (cumpăr ceva în drum spre..)
pick up a cold - a lua o răceală
I went home to food/ eat. Care e corect? Cum îl corectăm pe cel eronat?
for food
Utilizăm to sau for când ajutăm pe cineva? I made this ….you
please pass me the milk..când folosim the?
când vedem sticla de lapte, o știm
De ce nu spunem I love the chocolate?
Pentru că the nu se folosește la modul general
Give me the cup a of tea. E corect să-i cerem asta vânzătorului?
Nu, se folosește a în loc de the. Nu mă interesează care ceașcă.
get (3 forme)
become (get anoyed) I do not get it (nu înțeleg) =arrived =buy =obtain
take off -3 forme
take the day off
take off - a decola, a avea succes
actually semnificație
de fapt
i am used to…(continuare vb pentru afirmație în prezent)
to writing
it it rains I …(vb buy) an umbrella
will buy pentru rains este la prezent
cand folosim have (my hair) cut, sau have done
cand am platit pe cineva
If only I (have vb) left my keys at home - acțiune la prezent
If only I….(vb understand) maths - actiune in prezent
if only he…call - actiune in viitor
make - cand folosim (2 forme)
cand am creat ceva creeaza stare (makes me scream)
I wish I . (vb have)…a cup - actiune in prezent
I wish (choose) a better shirt - actiune in trecut
I had chosen
skint (british) și opus
falit vs loaded
if you study more, do your learn more? Răspuns mai modern
The more I study, the more I learn
Future continous cand folosim si cum
la o actiune continua din viitor, ex I will be wearing
journey cand folosim
o singura calatorie de la a la b
a trip cand folosim
cand sunt mai multe calatorii si dureaza mai mult
care e mai scurta trip sau holiday
business trip, day trip
cum ne referim la grupuri de persoane, de ex people from England, rich people
ce regulă avem?
English people sau the English/ the rich
nu adăugăm s
can - 3 forme
I can play (abilitate)
Can I open (permisiune)
can be difficult (posibilitate)
Future perfect continous
cand folosim si forma?
Cum e la negativ?
la o actiune continua din viitor care se termina la momentul la care ne gandim
I will have been eating noodles for 5 minutes
won’t - pentru negativ
dead - 5 forme
not living numb (intepenit) no power (battery dead) dead interesting (very) exactly (dead ahead)
just - 4 forme
at his moment ( I am just doing)
exactly (just four o clock, just what I wanted)
to emphasize (I just love it)
the 3rd conditional - cand folosim si forma
cand ne imaginam un rezultat diferit s un trecut imaginar
if i’d known you were coming, I would have baked a cake
3 cuvinte pentru a explica motive
because (focus on the reason)
because at the beginning (extra focus on the reason)
as si since se concentreaza pe rezultat in loc de motiv
I hope this as I want
Noodles are popular since they’re easy to cook
Past Perfect cum il facem si cand
By the time I arrived at the airport, the plane had already left (had left e verbul)
sunt 2 actiuni trecute, past perfect arata care este prima care s-a intamplat
I arrived este actiunea care s-a intamplat a doua ora si este la past simple
Adverbs of frequency-unde merg?
always sometimes never
3 exemple diferite
Helen always starts work (inainte de verb)
Helen is always happy about this (dupa verbul to be)
Helen has always hated it. (dupa verb auxiliar)
how to use tag questions, to ask for confirmation after a statement
it’s a melon, isn’t it? (do you agree)
it isn’t a banana, is it?
you won’t eat my melon, will you?
you really like melons, don’t you? (nu exista auxiliar si folosim do)
diferente dintre a few si few
I have few friends (negativa, numarul este mic, nu cat am vrea)
I have a few friends who live there (sinonim some)
cand folosim hardly? 3 forme
almost not
i can hardly read it
there is hardly any water inside (hardly any pentru cantitate)
I hardly ever play basketball (hardly ever pentru frecventa)
can tell 3 forme si 1 pt could tell
I can tell he is from France (can tell-imi dau seama)
we could tell it is going to rain (could tell previziune)
can you tell the difference betwen this and that? (can tell)
You can’t tell he is English (este evident)
at in on, cum le folosim?
at pt specific location - I’m at work.
on = pe
in = in interiorul unui spatiu 3d =in a room
face in fraze - 3 forme
I can’t face it - nu vrem ceva
Face up to..your fears (a infrunta)
face the music - accepti consecintele actiunilor trecute
break -3 forme
my glasses did not break (separare in bucati)
the laptop is broken (stricat sau nu functioneaza corect)
the movie breaks all the records ( a depasit)
Cum schimbam I will never dance pentru acentuare?
Never will I dance
Daca nu are auxiliar verbul folosim do
I rarely dance - Rarely do I dance
run 5 forme
a fugi
a mă grăbi - I have to run to the shop later
vb despre o cursă regulată - the trains normally run every hour
a arăta cine e șeful - he runs the business
a pleca in graba - I have to run
late - 6 forme
tarziu din final - I took a late train I arrived late - modificam verbul late for my wedding (intarziere) late at night (sfârșitul unei perioade de timp) of late = recently
din ce in ce mai frumos
more and more beautiful
din ce in ce mai infometat
hungrier and hungrier
center sau centre?
center sua centre uk de obicei cuvintele care se termina in Am. in er in british se termina in re
organize sau organise?
-ize este la americani
british folosesc ambele variante
favorite sau favourite
or Am se transforma in our British
I tried baking sau I tried to bake
Prima: am incercat sa fac o noua experienta
a doua este pentru o sarcina grea sau care nu a iesit
Cum se schimba formele cand vrem sa aratam o actiune viitoare care era programata in trecut. De ex. ieri spuneai ca vei merge in parc will- going to- present continous-
going to - was going to
present continous-past continous
avoid deny recommend regret ce au în comun? formează fraza
avoided doing
denied taking
recommend watching
regret not going
quite-3 forme
- before an adjective for more than a little sau less than a lot: it is quite cold and it is raining quite heavily today
- before a verb (de obicei like sau enjoy)
- before an adjective and noon - quite a good musician (daca scoatem a good, inseamna foarte bun)
cand folosim must
MIGHT, MAY, could
must-certain or almost certain that something is true
- it can’t be sunny - siguri ca nu e adevarat
might, may could - possibility
James este la fel de inalt ca mine
James is as tall as me
filmul nu este la fel de bun precum cartea
the film is not as good as the book
cand folosim infinitivul cu to in fata - 3 forme
de ex to learn
it’s easy to learn (after an adjective)
i went there to buy (purpose or reason)
I have too many emails to send (after quantifier: verbul, quantifier, noon, infinitivul)
there is not enough time to get to the station
let - 5 forme
introduce idee: let’s go for a coffee
give permission
available to rent> I have a room to let in my house
not stop/ prevent> he let the man escape
forma de politete> let me take your jacket
fair - 4 forme
a fair deal - equitable
a fair chence to rain - a good chance, likelihood
fair hair and fair skin - light color
fair understanting - average
cand folosim ”in”?
3 tipuri
- pentru perioada lungi de time, la modul general (anotimp, an, secole, luna, perioada a zilei)
- spatiu inchis (a car)
- tara, oras, cartier
on - cand folosim?
5 tipuri
mai specific decat IN si mai mici
- perioade mai scurte
- strazi
- suprafete
- mijloace de transport
- comunicatii (radio)
at - cand folosim?
4 forme
very specific, smallest
- ore
- parti ale zilei
- adrese
- locatii precise (at the station)
diferenta intre tell si say
tell este cand vorbim catre cineva
Ordinea corectă a adjectivelor in fata substantivului, 9 cu tot cu articol si substantiv
- Articles – a, an, the
- Opinion – interesting, boring
- Size – big, small, tiny
- Shape – triangular, square
- Age – old, modern, young
- Colour – blue, black, red
- Where from – Indian, Spanish, Russian, Chinese
- Material – plastic, wooden, paper
- Noun – eyes, bag, story, book, painting
care e corectă
Adrian has been to Poland.
Now he has gone to Iraq.
Ambele Both are correct but have a different meaning. • Gary has gone to the bank. (He is still there; he has not returned) • Gary has been to the bank. (He is not there; he is now home)
cand folosim will si cand folosim going to?
For a decision made before the moment of speaking we use going to.
• On Saturday I am going to the zoo.
(A plan)
For a decision made at the moment of speaking we use will.
• Julie: Tea or coffee?
• John: I will have tea.
For a prediction based on opinion we use will.
• I think we will be good friends.
For a prediction based on something we know now we use going to.
• The traffic is bad. We’re going to be late.
traducere la ”problemele eroilor„
The heroes’ problems.
Does this sound good?
• I don’t know who broke the window, but he or she is going to pay for a new one!
Nu, corect este they are going to pay cand nu stim daca este baiat sau fata
I fed my cat some special food, so he has grown very big. De ce am folosit present perfect?
Present perfect because he started to grow in the past, after feeding, and he is still growing now)
- She is an hour late.
- A European country.
- An umbrella.
• A university.
Este corect cum s-a folosit numeralul? De ce
(h is silent – pronounced our) (your-roh-pe-an) (um-brell-a) (you-ni-ver-sity) nu este despre forma ci despre pronunție
Diferenta dintre have to si must
Have to is your wife’s choice. Must is your choice.
Diferente intre many, much si a lot of
Much and Many are used when there is a large quantity of something. They are used in negative sentences and questions.
Many is used with countable nouns
Much used with uncountable nouns.
Pentru afirmatii pozitive folosim a lot of
Diferente pentru some si any
Any se foloseste pentru negatii si intrebari
To talk about the action, we use the simple form. To talk about the length of the action, we use the continuous form
Cand folosim by si cand untill?
By the time he arrived all his friends had been cooked.
We use by about an action or event that will happen before a certain moment. The focus is on the finish of the activity.
• Please have it finished by the deadline.
• I will arrive in the city by Friday.
We use until for an activity that will continue up to a certain moment in the future. The focus is on the continuing of the activity.
• I’m staying in the city until June.
• I will keep working until I have finished.
During my holiday I met a nice bull.
• He fell asleep during three hours.
• He fell asleep during the presentation.
• During the winter we get a lot of snow.
Care sunt gresite?
Remember: No time period with during.
A doua este gresita
Cand folosim during, while si for?
During no time period. While two actions. For with time period.
Cand folosim could si cand was able?
We use could to talk about a general ability we had in the past. We use was/were able to to talk about an ability we had at a specific event in the past.
‘I could fly like a bird.’
‘I got angry and I was able to lift the car and throw it.’
’I was able to attract Batman with my cat-like eyes.’
care numere se scriu cu litere?
Write the numbers 0 – 10 as words.
cum suntem de acord cu fraza You haven’t cleaned your teeth!’
When you agree with a positive say yes. When you agree with a negative say no.
cum pronuntam clothes corect?
ca la cuvantul close
cum pronuntam Answer corect?
fara w
in words ending with -mb, such as plumb, numb, climb, and bomb, cum pronuntam?
the last b is silent.
So, we say plum, num, clim, and bom.
in knife, knee, and knight, cum pronuntam?
fara k
de ce nu putem face present continous cu aceste verbe
Like, love, hate, need, prefer, want, know, realise, suppose, mean, understand, believe, remember, belong, contain, consist, seem.
arată o stare, nu o actiune
cand folosim at night si cand in the night
At night is used when we talk about every night. In the night talks about a specific night
They are going to send my wife and I a package.
Jim and I are going to the beach.
Cum stim cand e bine sa folosim me si cand I?
prima nu este corecta, a doua da
se scoate a doua persoana din fraza ca sa vedem daca are sens propozitia. Daca nu, schimbam I cu me
• I and Susan went to the cinema.
Este corect?
It is polite to put the other person first.
Ce se intampla cu 2 adjective in fata unui substantiv si ce se intampla dacă sunt după (de ex with…)
More than one adjective before a noun we connect them with a hyphen. No hyphen when it comes after the noun.
cand folosim which in loc de that
Which is used when the information being added is not important to the sentence. If you use which you also need to use commas.
That is used when important information is added.
I wanted to go to the beach but couldn’t afford to pay for a hotel room.
De ce nu folosim virgula inainte de but?
There shouldn’t be a comma before but because couldn’t afford to pay for the hotel room is not a complete sentence.
Cand folosim have si cand has pentru un grup?
If you think of the committee as a group use have. If you think of them as separate people use has.
Conrad phoned a statue wearing a blue shirt.
Este corect?
(Here it reads as if the statue is wearing the blue shirt)
• Wearing a blue shirt, Conrad ate a sandwich.
(Now we know Conrad is wearing the blue shirt)
If we use a modifier it should go next to the thing it modifies.
he saw a woman accompanied by two children.
unde plasam cuvintele ”Walking slowly down the road”(participial phrase)?
la inceput daca ne referim la he, la sfarsit daca ne referim la woman
Young and inexperienced, the task seemed easy to me. Ce e gresit?
Young and inexperienced, I thought the task easy.
A soldier of proved valor, they entrusted him with the
defence of the city. cum ar fi corect?
a soldier of proved valor, he was
entrusted with the defence of the city.
On arriving in Chicago, his friends met him at the station cum e corect?
When he arrived (or, On his arrival) in Chicago, his
friends met him at the station.
cand folosim between si cand among?
Among should be used for things or people that aren’t distinctly separated, or that are seen as one collective object.
Example: Among the employees, there was a need to choose between Apple and Android for their new company devices.
diferente Affect/effect
Affect is a verb meaning to change or have an impact on.
Effect is a noun meaning the result of an action.
Example: A cup of coffee at night can affect sleep, since caffeine has a stimulating effect
A while vs. awhile diferente
A while is a noun phrase meaning a period of time.
Awhile is an adverb meaning for a time.
Example: It’s been a while since I saw my college roommates.
The teacher told her students to go read awhile.
Diferente Further/farther
Further has to do with time.
Farther measures distance.
Example: Further into my career, I would be willing to travel farther for meetings.
Less/fewer diferente
Less indicates one item (or a collective group of items). It is used before uncountable nouns.
Fewer indicates more than two items. It is used before plural (countable) nouns.
Example: I’m eating less meat these days and drinking fewer cups of coffee.
Diferente Peek/pique/peak
To peek is a verb meaning to take a look (or a noun meaning a look).
To pique is to stimulate curiosity or interest.
Peak is the top of a mountain (or, as a verb, to reach a maximum point).
Example: A sneak peek of the new restaurant’s menu piqued my interest, but it was a bad idea to visit during peak hours.
cand folosim every day si cand everyday?
Every day is an adjective plus a noun, which means “each day.”
Everyday is an adjective used in front of a noun to describe something that’s normal or common.
Example: Every day, I make my cup of coffee, eat breakfast, and take a shower before work — but going to the gym is not an everyday activity for me.
cand folosim I si cand me?
I is a subject, which means it completes an action.
Me is an object, which means it receives an action.
Example: My siblings and I had dinner with our parents. My mom spent the whole dinner complaining to my sister and me about the weather.
Besides vs. beside
Besides is an adverb and a preposition meaning in addition to or apart from.
Beside is a preposition that means nearby or at the side of.
Example: Besides the coffee, there is also tea, and the sugar is beside the stove.
Who/whom diferente
Who should always refer to the subject of the sentence, or the person doing the action of the verb.
Whom should refer to the object of a sentence, or the person receiving the action of the verb.
Example: I didn’t know anyone in the office who could help me fix the problem, so I consulted with a developer whom I met at a conference
diferite in to/ into
Into indicates movement.
“In” and “to” are often just unrelated, neighboring words in a sentence, usually meaning “in order to.” When movement is taking place, use “into” as one word.
Example: The crowd erupted into applause when she walked into the room.
The consultant came in to train us last week.
Assure vs. insure vs. ensure
Assure is a verb, meaning to tell someone something positively.
Insure is a verb, meaning to provide insurance.
Ensure is a verb, meaning to guarantee.
Example: I assured my husband it’s a wise investment to insure a rental car while on vacation to ensure we won’t have to pay for any vehicle damages.
Lose vs. loose
Lose is a verb meaning to fail to win or to misplace something.
Loose is an adjective meaning not tight.
Example: It’s easy to lose a button when it’s loose.
Than indicates comparison.
Then has to do with timing.
Example: I have more money saved for retirement now than I did then.