Gram + Rods Flashcards
What are important Gram positive Rods?
1- spore-forming include: A- aerobic → bacilli B- anaerobic → clostridial 2. Non-spore forming include A - filamentous → actinomycetes and nocardia B- non-filamentous → corynebacteria
Explain corynebacterinen diphtheriae? Other name?
What are it’s characteristics?
Where do they collect energy?
They are G + Rod shop (club shaped)
Kleb’s -loeffler bacillus
Non motile, non capsulated, non sporting, pile present
Met -achromatic granules are store house of Bacteria
Cell wall of cortnebactormn is lipid rich and contain which types off acid?
Lipid cell wall rich in mesodia minopimelic acid, arabinogtactam polymers, and short chain mycolic acid.
If they stained by Albert’s stair hour do they appear?
They appear green with bluish black metachromatic granules at the poles.
Where do corynebacterium habitate?
1 -nasopharynx, skin lesions
2- mouth, throat, nose, skin
3- patient carry Bacteria upto 3 mounts after infection.
What are subtype of corgnebacturinn diphtheriae?
And how to distinguish between them biochemically, and by culturing
Gravis strain can ferment starch and sugar.
Interceding and mitis can’t.
1- Mites:- typically arranged on loeflour media and circular glistening (shining) black on Tellurrite media.
2- inter-medium;- irregular, No metachromatic granules on loeffler media and she all, smooth, grey-black, with pole prephral on telluride media.
3-Gravis:- club shap, few metachromatic granules on loeffler media and flat gray, irregular edges on telluride media.
Pseudomonbrane formed by C. Diphtheria is composed of what?
Fibrin, bacteria and inflammations cells
C. Diphtheria toxin ‘s treated with what?
What are symptoms of diphtheria?
1- pheaerynagitis
2 -fever
3- swelling of neck
Toxin produced by c.diphtherra causes which disorders * peripheral organ?
1-paralysis 2- congestive heart failure 3-Nasopharyngeal dipherica causes A- sore throat B- dysphagia C- Bloody, nasal discharge D- pseudomembrane formation
Define bacillus anthraces?
They has tendency to form long chain of Rods . characterized by rough, uneven surface.
What is nature of a. antheracis capsule?
Glutamic acid polypeptide capsule. Has antiphagocytic properties
What are exotoxins produced by bacillus anthracis?
Lethal factor, edema factor, and protective antigen
In which stage do B. anthraces multiply?
In vegetative state
T /F cutanous anthrax usually begins 2-5 days. After inoculation of spores into exposed part of body.
What is initial lesion of skin anthrax? And progress to what?
Erythematous papule, progress after 7-10 days into black Escher, surrounded by edema. May progress to massive local edama, toxemia and bacteremia.
Explain pulmonary anthrax?
Is contracted by inhalation of spores, they called woolsorter’s disease., in pulmonary syndrome,1-5 days of mild Fever aus non productive coach lead to progressive respiratory distress and cycrosis, spread to Bloodstream and CNS follow rapidly.
Treatment of chaise. Of anthrax?
What are other alternative of treatment?
Doxycycline or ciprofloxacin are alternatives