Grade 8 Theory Flashcards
El grillo meaning
The Cricket title
Ordo Virtutum performing forces
Female voice - Soul and 16 Virtues, spoken male part (Devil), various instruments for improvised accompaniment
Harmonic rhythm
Rate of chord changes
light, nimble, quick
slow and solemn
primo, prima
first; the upper part of a duet
A unit of musical thought, much like a sentence in writing
mano destra, m.d.
right hand
Sumer is Icumen In performing forces
Six voices as performing forces
Alberti bass pattern
A broken chord arranged in a root-fifth-third-fifth pattern
piano, p
lively, brisk
at a moderate tempo
Dripsody duration
1’ 28”
meno mosso
less movement, slower
Tempo primo (Tempo I)
return to the original tempo
Enharmonic equivalent major keys
Db/C#, Gb/F#, Cb/B (5 or more sharps or flats)
very fast
D.C. al Fine
repeat from the beginning and end at Fine
A sacred genre representing the earliest form of notated Western art music. Consists of a monophonic modal melody with unmeasured rhythm and Latin text.
Oblique motion
Occurs when one voice remains stationary and the other moves
Instruments featuring metal bars of different sizes that are struck with a variety of mallets. Produce a shimmering bell-like sound.
as fast as possible
tre corde
three strings; release the left pedal (on the piano)
Eine kleine Nachtmusik, K 525 tempo
Sonata in allegro
strongly accented, hammered
Non-chord tones
Decorative notes in a melody that do not belong to the chords.
Sumer is Icumen In meaning
Summer Is Coming meaning
Extensive use of notes outside of the key signature, creates harmonic dissonance and tension
El grillo texture
Example of polyphonic texture with frequent homorhythmic passages
moderately slow; at a walking pace
The Revolutionary Etude tempo
Etude with tempo of allegro con fuoco
Sumer is Icumen In texture
Example of notated polyphony (polyphonic)
Igor Stravinsky lifetime
1882 - 1971
Ordo Virtutum summary
Empowered by faith, the Virtues engage in a battle with the Devil to win over the Soul
Parallel motion
Occurs when two voices move in the same direction maintaining the same intervallic relationship
allargando, allarga.
broadening, becoming slower
Morality play
A genre created in the Middle Ages combining drama and music. Used allegorical characters to teach lessons and portray desirable behaviours.
A progression of two or more chords that serve as punctuation
rallentando, rall.
slowing down
Major pentatonic scale
Five pitches, major scale without 4 and 7
Parallel keys
Major and minor keys that share the same tonic
Scale patterns with distinct relationships of whole steps and half steps. Served as the source of melody and harmony in the Middle Ages and Renaissance.
Composer of Overture to a Midsummer Night’s Dream
Felix Mendelssohn
on a bowed string instrument, resume bowing after a pizzicato passage
una corda
one string; depress the left pedal (on the piano)
Eine kleine Nachtmusik, K 525 composer
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Concert pitch
The pitch that is actually produced by a transposing instrument. Also called the “sounding pitch.”
Ordo Virtutum genre
Example of morality play
poco a poco
little by little
alla, all’
in the manner of
Syncopation involves a variety of rhythms which are in some way unexpected which make part or all of a tune or piece of music off-beat. Occurs when the pattern of strong and weak beats in a measure is altered, and the accent is shifted from the strong beat to the weak beat.
Overture to a Midsummer Night’s Dream Development
Theme 1 dominates, punctuated by ominous notes from the bass
Composer of Invention in C Major
Johann Sebastian Bach composed this invention
ritardando, rit.
slowing down gradually
yield; hold the tempo back
Medieval Era
ca 476 - 1450
A concluding section
Sumer is Icumen In genre
Has vocal works in the form of a round
A multi-stringed plucked instrument with movable frets; similar to a lute or guitar. Five strings are used to play melodies, while two strings are used for drone and percussive effects.
Ordo Virtutum texture
Example of monophonic texture
decrescendo, decresc.
becoming softer
con moto
with motion
Diminished triads
Created by contracting the perfect fifth in a minor triad to a diminished fifth
Chromatic pitches
Notes in a melody that are outside of the major or minor keys in which the melody is written. Also called colour accidentals.
dal segno, D.S.
from the sign
French horn transposition
Down a perfect fifth
Koko key
Example of blues in E flat minor
Chromatic scale
Based on half steps
Hildegard von Bingen
Composer of Ordo Virtutum (Play of Virtues)
Chopin lifetime
1810 - 1849
fairly slow, but not as slow as largo
Middle section of sonata form. Themes are developed; this often involves a departure to different keys.
Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 genre
Example of a concerto grosso
a passage for the ensemble
Short score
Used to condense an open score from four staves to two. Especially useful to facilitate playing all four parts on the keyboard.
Polish nationalist genre
a cappella
Literally means “for the chapel,” but refers to vocal music without instrumental accompaniment. Typical of Renaissance vocal music.
mezzo forte, mf
moderately loud
Composer of Petrushka
Igor Stravinsky’s ballet
Invention in C Major texture
Has polyphonic texture with imitative counterpoint
El grillo genre
Example of a frottola
comodo, commodo
at a comfortable, easy tempo
at a moderate tempo
Octatonic scale
Based on a consistent alteration of half and whole steps
Half cadence
A cadence that ends on the dominant triad - sounds incomplete or open
Classical Era
ca 1750 - 1825
pianissimo, pp
very soft
marked or stressed
The note or notes in the incomplete measure to start a piece. Also called the pickup. The time is subtracted from the last measure. The first measure plus the last measure.
Koko structure
Has an introduction, seven jazz choruses, and a coda
Romantic Era
ca 1825 - 1900
A set of three notes separated by thirds
Twelve-bar blues
Musical structure used in jazz, consisting of three four-measure phrases, based on a standard chord progression
a little faster than andante
Whole-tone scale
Based on whole steps
Invention in C Major genre
Example of a solo keyboard work
ritenuto, riten.
suddenly slower, held back
Invention in C Major performing forces
Originally for harpsichord or clavichord, now performed on piano
Eine kleine Nachtmusik, K 525 key
Sonata in G Major
Diatonic intervals
The upper notes belong to the major key of the lower note. Intervals built above the tonic note of a major key
grand, grandiose
Electronic music
Music created by electronic means using devices such as tape recorders, synthesizers, and computers
be silent
A motif or phrase that persistently repeats in the same musical voice, usually at the same pitch. A recurring rhythmic or melodic pattern.
Example of Javanese Gamelan
Kaboran (Gamelan Prawa)
The tanpura (or tambura, tanpuri) is a long-necked plucked string instrument found in various forms in Indian music; it does not play melody but rather supports and sustains the melody of another instrument or singer by providing a continuous harmonic bourdon or drone.
Minor pentatonic scale
Five pitches, natural minor scale without 2 and 6
Keyboard style
Each chord is written in the treble clef in close position, to be played by the right hand. The notes in the bass clef are played by the left hand.
Quartal chord
Chord built on a series of 4ths
a tempo
return to the original tempo
much, very
a stressed note
Largely improvised style, featuring syncopation, blues scale, and blue notes
with some freedom of tempo to enhance musical expression
The Revolutionary Etude other name
The Etude in C Minor, op. 10, no. 12 other name
ottava, 8va
the interval of an octave
in a singing style
A popular secular polyphonic vocal genre developed in Italy in the 15th century. Based on playful poems and lighthearted word painting.