Grade 5/Inter Found Vocab Flashcards
What are the different dynamics between a Battement Tendu & a Battement Glissé
A Tendu can show a smooth or sharp action whilst a Glissé is a sharp movement
True or False:
A Rotation turns away from the supporting leg and towards the working leg.
Which direction does a Fouetté turn? Towards the supporting leg or towards the working leg?
Towards the supporting leg
What is the opposite of a Developpé?
What does ‘Cloche’ mean?
A Bell
Describe the Croisé Devant position.
- Crossed Alignment
- Front foot dégagé
- Opposite/Back arm high
What is the name of the position which fits the following criteria:
- Open Alignment
- Front foot dégagé
- Opposite/Front arm high
Éffacé Devant
What is the difference between Éffacé Devant & Éffacé Derrière?
Devant has the front foot pointed whilst Derrière has the back foot pointed. (Note: They both have the downstage arm high)
What is the name of the position which fits the following criteria:
- Crossed Alignment
- Back foot dégagé
- Opposite/Front arm high
Croisé Derrière
What type of pirouette takes off from a demi-plié on 4th?
Pirouette En Dehors
What is the preparation for a Pirouette En Dedans?
4th position en fondu - one bent knee/lunge
Other than preparation, what are the differences between Pirouettes En Dedans & En Dehors?
- En Dehors turns away from the supporting leg, whilst En Dedans turns towards it.
- En Dehors generally closes behind after turn, En Dedans closes in front.
Explain 1st Arabesque
- Front arm is eye height
- Side arm extends to side and slightly behind body
- Foot that is devant determines arm that is in front
Explain 2nd Arabesque
- Front arm is shoulder height
- Side arm extends to side
- Foot that is derrière determines arm that is in front
Explain 3rd Arabesque
A combination of the front arms from 1st and 2nd arabesques
What is the name of a jump from 3rd/5th position which lands in the opposite 3rd/5th position?
Dessus means…
Dessous means…
Coupé means to…
Échappé means to…
What is the difference between a Changement and a Soubresaut?
A Changement changes feet whilst a Soubresaut clings in the air and does not change feet
What is the name of a jump from 5th to 2nd, and then jumps back to 5th but with a change of feet?
Échappé Sauté Changé
What is the name of a jump starting in 2nd or 4th position and finishes in 1st or 5th?
Échappé Sauté Fermé from 2nd/4th position
What is an Échappé Sauté to 2nd position?
A jump from 5th/1st which lands in 2nd position
What is the French term for the ‘Step of the Cat’?
Pas de Chat
What does Posé mean?
To step
What is the difference between En Avant and Devant?
En Avant refers to travelling forwards whilst Devant means in front
En Arrière means travelling backwards - True or False?
What does De Côté mean?
Travelling sideways
Where is the working leg placed in a Retiré Devant?
Front of the knee
Where is the working leg placed in a Retiré Derriere?
Back of the knee
Where is the working leg placed in a Retiré Passé Derriere?
Front of the knee
Where is the working leg placed in a Retiré Passé Devant?
Front of the knee
What is the French term used for a circle of the leg?
Rond de Jambe
Temps Levé means to
En Face is which direction?
Directly to the front