Grade 5 Flashcards
What is the shape of rond de jambe en lair
An oval
When the feet. Sre in 3rd or 5th position which part of the feet touches eachoter
The outerside of the front foot touches the inside of the back foot
Where r the extreme ends of the oval in a rond de jambe en lair
Second position en lair and the inside of the supporting knee
How many ways can a rond de jambe en lair be executed
Two ways en dehor and en dedam
Is there any movement from the thigh in a rond de jambe en lair
No the thigh is kept motionless
Which is the furthest forward the knee or the foot
The foot
What is a petit battement sur le cou denoied
It is a battement frappe diminished in size and increased in speed it is a preperatory step for all batterie
What is a battement en cloche
It is a continuous grand battement in 4th devant and 4th derriere passing through first where the heel is lowered to the ground
What does en cloche mean
Bell or pendulum movement
What gives the dancer the impetus to turn in a pirrouete
The head and the arms
What is meant by spotting in a pirrouete
The eyes focus on a spot at the front and the head quickly turns to refocus on the same spot
What is the head action in a pirrouete
It is the last thing to leave and the first thing to regurn
What is the movement of the adms jn a piroette
The outgoing arm opens to second locks in the shoulder and incoming arms comes to first position
Which arm is crossed in third position
The arm which is on the same side as the front foot
Which arm is crossed in third opposition
The opposite arm to tbe front foot whether the foot is the working foot or the supporting foot
What should be the shape of the body in arabesque enair
Curved like the arc of a bow
In which direction does an ordinary pas de bourre travel
In the opposite direction to the commencing foot
What is the meankng of de cote
To the side or travelljng sideways
What is the purpose of a glissade
It is a preperatory step for traj f steps
What is petite batterke
Small beaten steps which are executed with great speed and minimum elevation
Give som examples of petite batterie
Entrechat quatre and simple royale
How many coupes are there and what are they
There are two. They are hnder dessous and over dessus
What is an enchainment
A number of steps put together in a sequence
What are steps of elevation
They are springjng steps
Give an example of steps of elevation
Changements jetes sautes soubresauts echapped j
How are chasses mainly used
To transfer the weight of the body through a demi plie from one foot to another
How many kinds of echappe are there what are they
Two kinds, echappe saute and echappe demi pointe
Why does every position, movement and step in dwncing have a french name
Because it is to the french that we own the art of operatic dance and these technical names were handed down through generations by the great masters of dance
What is the golden rule of dancif
When the dancer lifts the leg the leg must lift tbe dancer