Grade 4, term 1&2 Flashcards
What are strengths? Give an example of some of your strengths
Something that you are good at - e.g. Dan is good at playing cricket; he has polite manners; he is kind to his friends
What are weaknesses? Give an example of some of your weaknesses
Something that you are not good at - e.g. Dan is not so good at tidying his bedroom
What is conflict?
Conflict is a disagreement; when people have different ideas or beliefs
What are some of the verbal responses to conflict that are inappropriate (not right)?
Using words that are rude, e.g. name calling, swearing, teasing, mocking
What are some of the physical responses to conflict that are inappropriate (not right)?
Doing things to hurt others, e.g. kicking, hitting, pushing or punching, pulling a tongue
What are the requirements for working well in a group?
Everyone must:
- understand the goal
- take part in the discussion, speak one at a time
- understand their duty/ responsibility clearly and this must be respected
- all must take part
- show good behaviour - await your turn; listen; encourage everyone to have their say; admit when you’re wrong; don’t disturb other groups
What are the 9 rights and responsibilites of a child?
Rights - Responsibilities
To have a safe home - and to keep it clean
To have enough food - and not to waste it
To be educated - and to learn/ work hard
To medical care - and to take care of themselves
To be able to make mistakes - and to learn from them
To be heard - and to listen to others
To be loved - and to care for others
To learn the language of their parents - and respect languages of others
To be proud of their traditions and beliefs - and respect those of others
What is a bully?
A person who uses strength or rude words to hurt others continuously
When does conflict occur? 2 occasions
- people want to do the same thing in a different way
2. people think about the same thing in a different way
What are the 9 steps to resolving conflict?
- stop and cool down
- describe the problem
- use ‘I’ statements (I think that …)
- tell the other person what happened
- tell the other person how you feel (I feel …)
- brainstorm solutions
- choose a solution that is in both parties’ best interests
- make a plan and decide how you are going to put it into action
- agree to the plan and shake hands
What are the 5 things that you need to do to care for your body?
- get enough sleep at night
- drink clean water every day
- good food to grow healthy and strong
- exercise to stay fit and strong
- keep your body clean
What are some of the things that make you, Danny, angry? And happy? And calm?
Try to think of some examples … you may get asked this in the exam!
Name some positive and negative emotions
Positive - happy, excited, proud, relaxed, energetic
Negative - angry, lonely, jealous, depressed, ashamed, stressed
What is empathy? Give an example of when you had empathy for someone
Empathy is understanding how others could feel by placing yourself in their situation.
E.g. when Jody arrived at school for the outing in his school uniform, you had empathy for him and lend him the civvies that you had in your bag
What are some of the benefits of working in a group?
Takes less time, it’s fun, a group can achieve more than 1 person on their own, learn from others
Each country has a book of laws or a Constitution. What part of this contains our rights and responsibilities?
The Bill of Rights - a right is something that the law allows people to do