Grade 1 Notation & Symbols Flashcards

staff (or stave)

treble clef
bass clef
What is the name of this note, and how many beats is it worth?

semibreve (whole note)
4 beats
What is the name of this note, and how many beats is it worth?
a dotted minim (dotted half note)
3 beats
What is the name of this note, and how many beats is it worth?

minim (half note)
2 beats
What is the name of this note, and how many beats is it worth?

crotchet (quarter note)
1 beat
What is the name of this note, and how many beats is it worth?

quaver (eighth note)
worth half a beat

sharp, which raises a note by a semitone

flat, which lowers a note by a semitone

natural sign, which cancels a sharp or a flat
Which major key has no key signature?
C major
Which major key signature is this?

G major
Which major key signature is this?
D major
Which major key signature is this?

F major
What time signature is this?
Four four time
(four crotchet beats in each bar)
What time signature is this?
Common time, which is the same as four four time
What is this time signature?

three four time or three quarter time
(three crotchet beats in each bar)
What is this time signature?
two four time
(two crotchet beats in each bar)

crotchet rest (1 beat)

minim rest (2 beats)
semibreve rest (4 beats)
quaver rest (1/2 beat)
What does this symbol mean?