Gr11 Development Terminology Flashcards
Brandt Line
A line that divides the richer north from the poorer south. The line is not parallel to the equator.
An item of economic value, that countries trade in large quantities.
Core & periphery model
A development model that suggests that economic growth is concentrated in a dominant core and a less developed periphery depends on the core. Over time development diffuses from core to periphery eventually developing the periphery.
Development involves the efficient use of resources to improve the standard of living and the quality of life of people.
Demographic indicators
Statistics about the population.
Economic development
The development of a countries wealth.
Economic indicators
Indicators that measure the amount of wealth in a society.
Environmental Sustainability
Long-term maintenance of ecosystems and their natural functions for future generations.
Fair trade
Trade that supports farmers in LEDCs by paying fair prices and encouraging social and environmental development in their communities
Free trade
Trade that occurs without any restrictions
GDP (Gross domestic product)
Total value of Goods & Services produced by a country in one year (territory based).
It is the ever increasing global connectivity, integration and interdependence of countries on each other.
GNI (Gross national product)
GDP plus income earned by a country’s citizens/corporations abroad.
GDP Per Capita
The total value of all the goods and services produced by a country in a year, divided by the total population of that country.
An economic indicator that reflects income distribution in a population.
A tool developed by the United Nations to measure and rank countries’ levels of social and economic development based on certain indicators: Life expectancy, education, and income indices.