Geomorphology - Rivers Flashcards
Particles of sand and silt that are carried by the river scratch and wear away the bed and sides of the channel.
Process whereby the watershed becomes lower and its position shifts.
Aerated zone
Part of the crust above the water table where there are open air spaces.
Fertile silt deposited by a river.
Small particles bump against one another and become smaller, rounder and smoother.
Antecedent drainage pattern
After the river formed, folding and faulting occurred, but the river maintained its pattern, cutting a gorge/poort/gap through the land that has been uplifted.
Groundwater that seeps into a river.
Braided streams
Rivers that have multiple channels and islands of alluvial sediment in between those channels.
Captive stream
Less energetic river that was captured by the captor.
Captor stream
More energetic river that eroded through the watershed and captured another river.
Catchment area
The area that feeds water into a river system.
Channel flow
Water flowing in a river channel.
Point where one river in the network joins another.
Acids in the water can dissolve the rock particles.
Depositional feature that forms when a river enters the sea or a still body of water.
Direct runoff
Water flowing over Earth in river channels.
Amount of water flowing in a river channel past a point in a given time.
Drainage basin
An area drained by a river and its tributaries.
Drainage density
The total length of all the streams and rivers in a drainage basin (km) divided by the total area of the drainage basin (km2).
Elbow of capture
Point where capture occurred; the captive changes direction and flows into the captor.
Entrenched or incised meanders
A meander that has cut (vertically) deep into the crust.
Episodic rivers
Rivers that hardly ever flow because they are in low rainfall areas and the water table is always below the river bed.
The wearing away and removal of weathered rock material from the river channel.
Exotic rivers
Rivers found in low rainfall areas but flow all year because they are fed by tributaries in high rainfall areas.
Flood plain
Flat valley floor.
Deep-steep sided valley.
Graded river
A river that has just enough energy to carry its load; neither erosion nor deposition is taking place resulting in a smooth, concave longitudinal profile.
Underground water.
Ground water flow
Water flowing through underground rocks.
Headward erosion
A river lengthens itself by cutting back towards its source.
Hydraulic action
The force of water hitting the sides and the bed of the river will break pieces off.
Impermeable rock
Rock which does not allow water to pass through it.
Indirect runoff
Water feeding into rivers through baseflow.
Ingrown meanders
A meander that cuts sideways into the bank so that there is slight overhang above the stream.
Ridges of high ground between individual channels.