GPS Quiz Flashcards
What does GPS stand for?
Global Positioning Satellites
How many satellites are in the constellation system?
Do the satellites move in space, if so where do they go?
What’s the name of the dep. Who operates GPS?
What’s the name of the admin to GPS in aviation?
Explain nav with number of satellites (3-6 sat. And what they give)
3- Position
4- Position and altitude(time)
6- FDE (Fault Detection and exclusion)
What does RAIM stand for
R- Receiver
A- Autonomous
I- Integrity
M- Monitoring
What does the A in RAIM mean?
Autonomous, it does everything automatically by itself
What does the I in RAIM mean?
Integrity, Knows the limits, and the device will notify the pilot when it is outside the limits
Why is it important for IFR cert. GPS to have RAIM?
So the pilot can be notified when the accuracy of receiver is in question
What does GNSS stand for (For all, other courtiers GLONASS, Galileo, etc.)?
Global National Satellite System
What is the benefit of GNSS over just GPS?
Quicker and more accurate