Government actions towards indians Flashcards
What was the Indian Removal Act 1830?
Forced Indians to move onto the plains- West of the Mississippi river
When was the Indian Removal Act which forced Indians to move onto the plains?
What was the Indian Trade and Intercourse Act 1834?
Sets outs the frontier between the USA and Indian Territory called the “permanent Indian frontier”
When was the Indian Trade and Intercourse Act which established the boarder between the USA and Indian Territory?
What was the Indian Appropriations Act 1851?
Provided government money to move Indians onto the very first reservations in Oklahoma
What was the Treaty of Fort Laramie 1851?
A response to conflict between Americans using the Oregon trail and Indians
Indians agreed to: end in-fighting between tribes, allow migrants to pass through their territory, allow the government to build roads and surveyors from the railroad companies to enter their land
The US agreed to: protect Indians from white Americans trying to settle on their land, pay the tribes $50,000 if they kept to their side of the deal
Why did the Treaty of Fort Laramie 1851 fail?
The tribes did not understand the concept of having one leader make agreements for the whole tribe
A number of tribes didn’t attend the meeting and so didn’t agree to the treaty
The treaty tried to establish boundaries for different tribes but the tribes didn’t recognise these boarders
Many of the chiefs did not speak English and so did not know what they had agreed to
How did the Pacific Railroad Act affect the Indians?
The government “extinguished” any Plains Indians rights to land along the railroad route which went through Pawnee land
The Pawnee and a few other tribes agreed to move onto reservations in 1870
Other tribes were more hostile and as the railroad cut across Sioux land it eventually triggered the Great Sioux War
Why did some tribes agree to move onto reservations through the 1870s?
Their councils felt there was no other way for the tribe to survive as more and more Homesteaders moved onto their lands
What was President Grant’s “Peace Policy”?
Aimed to calm tensions on reservations by improving the management of the reservation system
He replaced corrupt reservation agents with religious men
He appointed an American Indian, Ely Parker, as the commissioner of Indian affairs
Pledged $2million to ensure the Indians on reservations were cared for
Why was Ely Parker chosen by President Grant to be the commissioner of Indian Affairs in 1868?
Because he was an American Indian
Why was Ely Parker a bad choice as commissioner of Indian affairs in 1868?
He believed that Indians should be treated as “helpless and ignorant wards” (wards are children who are under the protection of the government)
He believed that the government should decide what is best for them
What did the Indian Appropriation Act of 1871 do?
Declared that Indian nations or tribes would no longer be treated as independent groups
Made it easier to remove land from the Indians
What was the Second Treaty of Fort Laramie 1868?
Consequence of Red Cloud’s War
The government agreed to close the Bozeman Trail
Red Cloud agreed to take his people to a reservation in Dakota specifically reserved for the Sioux
What was the Dawes Act 1887?
Like the Homestead Act but for the Indians
Each Indian family was allotted 160 acres, single Indians could get 80 acres
The act aimed to break up the tribes and encourage Indians to far for themselves rather than relying on the tribes
Encouraged “Americanisation”
The reservation land was then to be sold to the white American homesteaders
How did the US government persecute the Indians in the 1880s?
Removed the powers of the chiefs by setting up “councils” to make decisions on behalf of the tribes
In 1883 courts took over the powers of the chiefs to punish people in their tribes
Used bribes of increased food rations to encourage good behaviour
Made parents send children to American schools