Government Accounting Flashcards
What does BAE stand for and what does each do?
Budget - Manage Spend
Activity - Understand the flow of current resources
Encumbrance - Monitor spending on purchase orders
Which funds use modified accrual accounting and BAE?
The governmental funds (GRaSPP)
What rolls up under GRaSPP?
General fund
Revenue (Special) fund
Service (Debt) fund
Projects (Capital) fund
Permanent fund
What are governmental sources of revenue?
Taxes on income, Taxes on property, Fines/penalties, Debt, Transfers
What is non-exchange revenue with governmental funds?
Give or receive value without an equal return
Derived - transactions
Imposed - imposed on non-exchange transactions
What is the revenue recognition based upon for non-exchange revenue?
Time requirements - within 60 days
Which governmental funds use full accrual accounting?
SE-CIPPOE, Proprietary and Fiduciary Funds
What two GRaSPP funds that do not record encumberances
Debt Service Fund
Permanent Fund
What makes up Proprietary Funds, what financial statements are required and what basis of accounting do they use?
Its the “SE”, CF, IS and BS, full accrual
Internal Service (lots of “Central” funds)
Enterprise (lots of “Public” funds)
What are the 3 general characteristics of
Fiduciary Funds?
Controlled by the government
Not created by the government (own source)
Not subject to administrative involvement by the government
What are the 4 Fiduciary Funds, what financial statements are required and what basis of accounting do they use?
CIP POE, IS, BS, NO CF - Full Accrual
Custodial Fund
Investment Trust Fund
Private Purpose Trust Fund
Pension or Other Employee Fund
For modified accrual fund accounting, how do you recognize revenue?
Collections during the period plus the expected collections 60 days after. Estimated uncollectible would not be considered.
For a general fund, how would proceeds from debt issue and inter-fund transfers for debt service (or just plain inter-fund transfers) be classified?
Other financing sources, not revenue.
What is the main difference between an exchange and non-exchange transaction?
An exchange transaction has each party receiving and sacrificing something of approx equal value. A non-reciprocal gives value without receiving.
What are derived tax revenues?
Taxes imposed on exchange transactions such as sales taxes and income taxes.
What are imposed, non-exchange tax revenues?
Taxes imposed on non-exchange transactions like fines or property taxes (wealth) where there is not a like for like exchange.
The expenditure salaries is what type of classification: function, program, object, activity
What is the governmental equivalent of an operating lease?
short term lease
If a city leases equipment and retains ownership at the end of the lease what would it be classified as?
It would be a contract that transfers ownership and the equivalent of a finance lease in commercial accounting.
How would a long term lease without a transfer of ownership be booked for a proprietary fund?
An ROU Asset and Liab at FV
How would a long term lease without a transfer of ownership be booked for a governmental fund?
Capital outlay expenditure and other financing sources
When issuing a purchase order, what is the credit side of the entry?
Budgetary Control
What is reciprocal interfund transfers?
When providing a service and using the services.
Non-reciprocal transfers are what?
When there is not any repayment for services rendered. No trade or deal.
The only fund that should show a positive amount in its unassigned fund balance would be:
General Fund
What is the debit side of the entry for purchase orders?
Encumbrances appear in which funds?
Governmental = GRaSPP
Where do you see “Appropriations”?
Appropriations is a budgetary account and represents the approved spending.
When would a transfer between funds give rise to operating expenditures or revenues?
Where a fund acquires a good or service that could have been purchased from an unrelated business.
Interfund transfers received by a governmental fund should be reported as:
“Other financing source”
If a utility raises rates to fund capital improvements how would the inflows from those raised rates be accounted for?
Deferred inflows until the improvements are made
What are the 5 constraints fund balances are categorized as?
How do you calculate a City’s fund balance and unassigned fund balance?
Assets - Liabilities
A-L-Open Purchase Orders