government Flashcards
- Full accrual
- economic resource
- classified as govenmental activities or business type
- major fund presented, non major fund displayed in aggregate
government wide presentation, 2 types
- statement of net position
- statement of activities
government accounting, 3 types
- governmental funds
- proprietary fund
- fiduciary fund
- financial resources measurement
governmental fund
- current financial resources
- modified accrual
5 types of governmental fund
- general
- special revenue
- capital project, acquisition or construction
- debt service, make interest and principal payment
- permanent
classification of fix asset
- governmental fund will expenditure
- proprietary and fiduciary will capitalize asset, acquisition and depreciate them
proprietary fund, accrual
- internal service-render service or provide to other fund within government
- enterprise- to outside government entity
Fiduciary fund
- pension trust
- investment trust
- private purpose trust
- agency
- exclude from government wide
agency trust fund
- collect cash to be held temporary
- no recognized revenue/expense
governmental reporting
- MD&A
- government wide
- fund financial statement
- note of financial statement
- RSI(require supplement information) other than MD&A
modified accrual
-revenue recognized when measurable and available
full accrual
- revenue recognized when earned
- expense recognized when incurred
debt recognition in governmental fund
- governmental fund recorded as other financing sources
- repayment recorded as expenditures of both principal and interest
fund balance, governmental ,modified accrual
- non spendable
- unassigned
- committed
- assigned
- restricted by external
primary government entities,report by itself
- state: general purpose
- local government: special purpose