government Flashcards
prior to the 1530 what did henry viii believe the function of parliament was
granting extrodianry revenue to the crown
passing laws
how frequently did parliament meet before 1529
only 4 times
was called once when wolsey was in office
how did henry viii assert more control and dominance
surrounded himself with more councillors that was suspicious of the senior ones
what traits did Wolsey have that henry could add to his gov
ability to give the king what he wanted
wolseys main concerns were the: legal system, domestic policy, managing the church, foreign policy and political decsion making
what was the privvy chamber like before 1519 what did wolsey do to change this
was out of wolseys control
in 1526 passed elthan ordiances which cut privvy chamber from 12 to 6 ensuring the influence over the king was unchallenged
what did the court of chancery deal with
wolsey was lord chancellor so oversaw legal system
tried to use it to exhibit fair justice, dealing with problems relating to enclosure, contracts and land left to other in wills
why was the court of chancery a failure
he was a victim of his own success and the court became clogged with too many case
what was the court of star chamber initially before wolsey
- established by an act of parliament in 1487
as an offshoot from the kings council
how did wolsey extend the court of start chamber
- wolsey extended its use from 1516 to increase cheap and fair justice - hearing cases of alleged misconduct of those powerful in their local committes
- used for priv lawsuits proved to be popular
- encouraged ordinary people to bring cases against those in the upper classes
- He set an overflow tribundal to deal with additional cases
what was the long term impact of the court of star chamber
in 1519 a permeant commitees was set up called the court of requests which was to deal with cases involving the poor.
how did wolsey collect extrodinary revenue or parlimementary taxation
from taxtpayers
what were some financial policies that wolsey changed
- finances: the way subsidies were collected: instead of using a local commissioners to assess taxpayers wealth, he set up a national commitiie that he headed him self - meant assesmeents were more realistic as local commissioners tended to be more generous to local nobility
was the new way subsidies were collected a success for collecting money for war
- wolsey used the subsidy to raise money for france in 1522-23
tried to apply direct pressure rather that constitutional measures
, however was still an insufficent amount
as a result parliament in 1523 was called to prrovide the subsidies for the war.
Parliament was unhappy about wolsey’s demands and so refused to five it him
what was the amicable grant
non-parlimentary taxation to make up short-fall in henry’s wars
demanded 1/6 of payments from laymen
and 1/3 from clergymen
what was the impact of the amicable grant
- legal framework for its collection was incredibly weak as parlimentary authority could not be levied
- caused widespread
resistance in kent and east anglia
The citizens of London agreed not to pay the grant. - in Suffolk 4,000 people gathered to protest. This area had been affected by a slump in wool prices
what was the signficance of the amicable grant
ringleaders were brought to the Star chamber and pardoned and Wolsey even paid for the expenses of the Suffolk men in prison.
Henry bowed before the rebels and stated he would not ask them to pay illegal demands - the blame was firmly aimed at Wolsey.
Although the rebellion was eventually crushed by Norfolk and Suffolk, the rebellion was significant as the government responded with pardons and the demands of the rebels were more or less met. It was also supported by a wide group of people, a cross section of the population - the nobility, clergy and the Commons. The didn’t like Wolsey and Wolsey was blamed.
what were the eltham ordiances
- reforms on the privvy chamber
- meant to refor the finances of the privvy council by reducing house hold expenditure
- wolsey did this to reduce gentleman in the privvy chamber from 12 to 6
- he dropped the reforms because he managed to gain enough influence by reforming the privvy council
why did wolsey cause the eltham ordiances
he could not control the privvy chamber so the next best thing was to control their influence over the king
he was worried that the failure of the amicable grant meant that he would lose influence over the king
who did wolsey replace
- wolsey replaced groom on the stool william compton with compliant henry norris
what were the domestic policies under wolsey
- court of chancery
- court of star chamber
- finance
- the eltham ordiances
what was the goverment between wolsey and cronwell called
conciliar government, all decisions were made by the council,
lasted 3 years
why did cronwell rise to power quickly
he made a proposal to secure the annulment
suggested king break from rome and place himself as head of an english church
by 1532 he was kings cheif minister
how was a central government under wolsey achieved
- reorganisation of financial departments
- creation of a privy council
- gov was replaced by a gov under the king
what was the concept of a modern govenrment
based on properly constituted departments that worked according to agreed roles
was less open to the influence of an individual
could function without the constant supervision of a monarch