Governance Flashcards
Governance definition (DAMA)
The exercise of authority, control, and shared decision-making over the management of data assets.
three parts of shared decision making
governance metrics
regulatory compliance
What does data governance need?
a strategic & high level view across the whole organisation
Governance is not…
- a one off activity
- the responsibility of the technology and IT department
aim of data governance
continual improvement via evolution for data to become a corporate asset and part of the culture
What is the biggest block of organisational shift?
Asset management (ISO 55000)
the co-ordinated activity of organisation to realise value from assets
Asset (ISO 55000)
An asset is an item, thing or entity that has potential or actual value to an organisation
Characteristics of data
- non depletable
- reusable
- copyable
- enterprise wide
Data stewardship
business data stewards and SMEs partnered with data management professional that are accountable for the effective management and use of organisations enterprise data assets.
Data governance interacts and guides how all other data management functions are performed
What does data governance have a role in?
all business projects in an enterprise
Types of data stewards
Executive data stewards (owners)
senior managers serve on the data governance steering committee and DGC
coordinating data stewards
leads teams of business data stewards
business data stewards
recognised data subject matter experts in organisation
DGC acronym
data governance council
Chief data steward (or CDO)
chairs the DGSC
Enterprise data steward
oversight of a data domain across business functions
Data Owner
a business data steward who has approval authority for decisions about data within their domain
Technical data stewards
IT professionals operating within one of the knowledge areas
Examples of technical data stewards
Data integration specialists
Database Administrators
Business intelligence specialists
data quality analysts
metadata administrators
(executive data steward) data owner breakdown
Accountable for the data subject area where they are accountable
- approve and deny access
- ensure data is fit for purpose (check data quality)
Data steward breakdown
take responsibility for the quality and use of their organisations data assets.
- develop & maintain definitions
- document business rules
- support business analysts
- determining the need for additional data elements
- SMEs in their data area
example activities of data stewards
- ensure data is managed in accordance with framework
- defining and agreeing business data quality rules
- monitoring and enforcing data policies and practises
Data Custodian (Business System owner BSO)
Focussed on the container and the system rather than the data; data sources, systems and transfer.
Data Governance levels
Strategies (data owner - board and senior management)
Tactics (data stewards - business processes)
Operations (data custodian - information systems)
Ideally the will be x owners per data area
Three types of governance functions
- legislative
- judicial
- executive
Executive data governance function
Doing thing RIGHT
Legislative & judicial data governance functions
Doing the right thing
Legislative and Judicial groups
data governance steering committee
Data governance council
Data Governance office
data governance steering committee
highest level data management group - oversight support and funding
Data Stewardship Teams - two types
by data subject area across whole organisation
by process area
Data Stewardship Teams
collaberate and consult with project teams on data definitions and data management standards. within assigned subject area, led by co-ordingating data steward
Data governance council
manage data governance initives
Local data governance committee
divisional versions of the DGC
Data governance office (DGO)
Ongoing focus on data definitions and data management standards, looks across all the areas
Data governance touch points throughout the project lifecycle (DGO)
Initiation -> planning -> execution -> close-out (update meta-data and do lessons learnt)
Guiding principles of data governance
- shared responsibility
- data stewards have responsibilities in all management function
- every data governance is unique
- The best data stewards are found not made
- shared decision making is the hallmark of DG
- DG occurs at enterprise and local levels
- no substitute for visionary and active IT leadership
- centralised organisation for DM professionals is essential
- define a formal charter for the DGC
- Data strategy should be driven by the business stratgey
Who’s responsibility is it to communicate and promote awareness in an organisation?
Everybody in the data management community
DGC & Data stewards are _____
DMSO (data management services office) is _____
Organisational models for DG
Data Centric
Process Centric
Systems Centric
Contingent (hybrid)
Data Centric organisational model
Owners, stewards etc by data areas e.g., customer data, employee data, finance data.
Process Centric organisational model
Data owners own all data created, amended and deleted by the business process for which they are responsible.
Disadvantage of process central organisation DG model
it can easily go wrong, hard to know where data issues come from
Systems Centric (IT) organisational model
System Owners (custodians) become the data owner for all data created, amended & deleted by the system for which they are responsible.
Contingent/hybrid organisational model
A mixture of systems, data and process centric
Operating model for DG types
Centralised operating model for DG
DGSC reports directly to executive and pushes down everything that needs to be done (easy to manage)
Decentralised operating model for DG
Each business area has their own stewards, no central group to communicate through (increased level of ownership)
Federated operating model for DG
give each business area their own stewards, but there is a central group to set priorities etc (advantages of decentralised but have the decision makers)
Self-organising operating model for DG (networked)
No formal data governance group (yet) so worked together with known connections (may be unaware of other resources)
Business change program
Data governance
Most important thing in data governance is…
concerned with how to procure, store, manage, interpret, analyse and dispose of data in ways that are aligned with ethical principles, including community responsibility
What are data handling ethics based on
Beneficence (do no harm, maximise benefits)
justice (fair and equitable treatment of people)
The respect for persons principle (treat in a way that respects their dignity and autonomy as human)
The 5 C’s of data handling ethics
- consent
- clarity
- consistency
- control
Core deliverables
- current practises and gaps
- ethic data handling strategy
- communication plan
- ethics training program
- ethical corporate statements on data
Social Liscense
the alignment between stakeholder expectation and the organisation
obtained explicit permission from an individual for the collection, use or disclosure of personal information
Who should chair the DGSC
chief data steward or chief data officer
Primary characteristics of data steward
A business role appointed to take responsibility for the quality and use of their organisation data assets
Ways to approach communicating DG awareness
- maintaining an intranet website
- publishing a regular newsletter
- promote parcipitation in a DM forum or community
- creating a series of elevator pitches for the appropriate audience
core concepts of ethics of data handling
impact on people, potential for misuse and economic value
How does the DMBOK define Data Governance?
The exercise of authority and control (planning, monitoring, and enforcement) over the management of data assets
What is the role of the Data Governance function in the DMBOK?
The Data Governance function guides all other data management functions
Primary Business Drivers for Data Governance
Regulatory Compliance
Increased usage of analytics and data science
Supporting MDM
improve data quality
What characteristics does data quality require to achieve its goal
Sustainable, embedded, measured.
Data governance models
Data stewardship
Data Stewardship describes accountability and responsibility for data and processes
Data Stewardship ensures effective control and use of data assets
Data Stewardship can be formalised through job titles and descriptions, or it can be a less formal function
Often terms like custodian or trustee are synonyms for those who carry out Data Stewardship functions
Common activities for data stewards
Managing data quality issues
creating and managing core metadata
documenting rules and standards
executing operational data governance activities.
primary business driver for data governance
Regulatory Compliance
Increased usage of anlytics and data science
improve data quality
reducing data security and privacy risk
metadata management ??
goals and principles of data governance
- sustainable
- embedded
- measured
Operating models
centralised, federated, replicated, decentralised
Data Stewardship
The formal accountability for business responsibilities, ensuring effective control and use of data assets. Some of these responsibilities are data governance responsibilities. But there are also significant data stewardship responsibilities within each of the other major data management functions
Data stewardship is about….
business leadership and subject matter expertise being applied to improve data on behalf of the whole enterprise.
3 types of data steward
executive (serve on data governance council).
co-ordinating (data governance office, between trams)
business (SMEs in business area).
Are Chief Data Stewards allowed to chair the Data Governance bodies in lieu of the CDO?
Governance groups (layered in order)
steering committee
governance council
governance team
(also a data governance office in larger firms)
DG Council makes…
Makes strategic decisions
DG steering committe…
makes tactical decisions
Data stewardship teams make….
operational decisions
Where in the information management lifecycle does most governance occur
the planning stage
Data governance in the information management lifecycle
- Set the strategy
- define the framework
- prepare for operations
During which stage of the data or information lifecycle would you draft your data architecture?
Readiness assessments used when planning data governance program
- data management maturity
- capacity to change
- collaborative readiness
- business alignment
Which body should ensure that data policies are being communicated, monitored, enforced and re-evaluated?
Data governance council
Data Governance needs touchpoints with other organisational functions to be effective. Which body helps the CDO to facilitate these touchpoints?
Data governance office
data governance operating model needs to reflect on…
- how decisions are made
- the existing operating model of the organisation
- the value of data to the organisation
- the compliance obligations
All business units, regions and data or information types are governed by the same Data Governance function. What operating model does this describe?
A large multinational company operates in multiple different markets, each with their own regulation about data privacy. Which data governance operating model would be best for them?
An activity crucial to planning a Data Governance program and can also be used when managing and sustaining a Data Governance program, according to the DMBOK?
Assessments that describe the current state of an organisation’s information management capabilities, maturity, and effectiveness
Data Policies
Data policies are directives that codify principles and management intent into fundamental rules governing the creation, acquisition, integrity, security, quality, and use of data and information
Deliverables of developing a data governance strategy
Identify the business drivers, vision, mission, and principles for data governance, including readiness assessment, internal process discovery, and current issues or success criteria
Define the structure and responsibility for data governance activities
A roadmap with timeframes for the roll out of policies and directives, business glossary, architecture, asset valuation, standards and procedures, expected changes to business and technology processes, and deliverables to support auditing activities and regulatory compliance
Describing a target state of sustainable data governance activities
Issue management is the process of identifying, quantifying, prioritising, and resolving data governance-related issues. According to the DMBOK, what proportion of data issues should be escalated to the Data Governance Steering Committee for resolution?
What Organization Structure should set the overall direction for Data Governance?
Data Governance Steering Committee
To which of the following initiatives was the establishment of an industry Metadata Standard essential?