Architecture Flashcards
Deliverables of data architecture
enterprise data model
data flows
data value chains
data architecture design
TOGAF domains
- business architecture
- data architecture
- application architecture
- technology architecture
Components of Enterprise Architechture
Data model (entities and attributes)
Process Model (actions)
System (programming)
Technology (how it can be delivered)
Business needs
Enterprise Architechture
the process of translating business vision and strategy into effective enterprise change (series of models to describe the current and future state)
High level.
Segment architechture
detailed, formal description of areas within an enterprise within a business segment. Includes tech consideration etc.
Solutions architecture
addresses specific problems and requirements
Three types of enterprise architechture
enterprise, segment, solutions
As-is models
To-be models
TOGAF acronym
The Open Group Architecture Framework
ADM (architecture development method)
series of recommended artefacts in all four domains that can be tailored and chosen.
Zachman architecture frameworks
defines artefacts in a 6x6 matrix, with interrogatives (what, how, where, who, when, why) as columns and stakeholder perspectives as rows (executive, business, architect, engineer, technician, instances)
Business, information, applications, technology
Levels of model in a data architechture
conceptual -> subject area -> logical -> physical
All of these refer to the enterprise data model.
Crud model axes
business processes, major entities/subject areas
The enterprise data model will delivers
- communicates business information requirements
- provides the foundation & guidelines for data development
- aligns with other business models
- provides visuals representation of business data
Information lifecyle
Plan -> design -> create -> store -> use -> enhance ->
(+dispose of)
Lifecycle 4 key activities
- management data quality throughout its lifecycle
- manage metadata quality
- manage data security
- focus on the most critical data
manage data that is redundant, obsolete and trivial
Plan stage of information lifecyle
documentation requirements
governance framework
monitoring framework
tool selection
information classification
data retention and disposition
staff competencies
models for cost of data ownership
Specify stage of information lifecyle
- gather data requirements
- data modelling
Enable stage of information lifecycle
infrastructure is provisioned in this stage
Create ad acquire stage of information lifecycle
where information is acquired
Maintain & Use stage of information lifecycle
where business value is derived
- monitor data quality as data may be transformed
- back-up and archive data
biggest stage
Archive & retrieve stage of information lifecycle
where information is archived as defined in the planning stage
- test and verify that archived information can be used.
Purge stage of information lifecycle
where information is deleted as specified during the planning stage
- will purged data still be recoverable?
Software development lifecycle
requirement analysis -> design -> implement -> test evolve
Key architecture domains
Business, data, application and technology architechtures
Entities are (within enterprise data architecture)
standard terms that are necessary to run an organisation
How do data architects add value to your business?
By creating and maintaining organisational knowledge about data and the systems through which it moves
By identifying opportunities for data usage, cost reduction, and risk mitigation
By facilitating alignment between Business and IT
By acting as a bridge between business strategy and technology execution
What does a data architect do?
design data and make sure it fits within the existing data landscape
What is architecture
it’s the process of defining and designing the business, data, application and technology requirements of the business as well as the outputs.
3 outputs of architechture
- communication to different audiences
- construction (blueprint)
- evaluation (on whether it meets standards)
Example business architecture artifacts (documents), and how they relate to data
- business model (data entities)
- organisation chart (data ownership)
- business processes (using the data)
Two types of data lineage/data flow diagram
- matrix (entities down the side, processes along the top)
- flow diagrams (links to application architecture)
Technology architecture purpose
describe the physical technology needed to enable systems to function and deliver value
Business Information Application Technology
Zachman Framework (outline)
6 columns (WHAT, How, who, where, when, why)
Rows (executive level, business management, Architect, Engineer, Technician, Enterprise (people who use the model))
TOGAF framework no. phases
Nine core phases
Data Architects
guardians for our data landscape, preventing new systems from being adopted that do not meet the Enterprise expectations for data.
Purpose of data arcitechture
Describing how data should be organised and managed
What are the 3 perspectives that the DAMA DMBOK views data architecture from?
Outcomes, Activities and Behaviour