What is a capital fund?
it’s a general fund where the account is used to acquire government related projects
For an examples construction of a center rehabilitation of drug addicts
Can a local gov unit use the fiduciary and properietary funds?
Yes a gov unit can use both funds which are used by state and local governments
What funds are included in governmental funds?
1) General fund
2) Special revenue
3) Capital projects funds
4) debt service
5) Permanent funds
What funds are included in proprietary funds?
1) Internal service
2) enterprise funds
What funds are included in fiduciary funds?
1) pension and other employee benefits funds
2) investment trust funds
3) private purpose trust
4) custodial funds
What is internal service fund?
provides goods and services for subunits of the primary government
Does General funds recognize revenues when its become available and measurable?
Yes, because accounted under the modified accrual basis of accounting
What is a permanent fund?
it’s a gov fund that is restricted for use of earnings not principals
What is a special revenue fund?
What is the primary standards for for GOV Funds?
GASB Governmental Accounting Standard Board
What does the accrual basis of accounting focus on for funds?
long term results and costs of services
Also, revenue and expenses are measured same way as for profit accounting
Financial statements that NFP report?
Financial position at the end of reporting period
Statement of activities and cashflows for the reporting and accompanying notes
Key words for problems that mention “Net Asset released from restriction” we think of?
Program expenses which reported under net asset with restrictions
What is included supporting activities?
1)Management and general
2)Fundraising and
3)Membership-development activities
What are some natural expense examples?
rent, interest, depreciation, salaries
When a NFP receives a donation with donor restrictions how is that processed?
1) Classify the donation as a Net Asset with donor restriction
2) When the donation purpose is completed it’s restriction is expired
3) reclassified and the net asset with donor restriction is “decreased”
4) increase the Net asset without restriction
When a NFP recognize depreciation how is it recognized?
using the Fair value of the asset not the equipment cost
30,000 fair value / 10 years = 3,000 depreciation that should be recognized
What are the financial statements required at year end for nongovernmental NFPs?
1) statement of financial position
2) statement activities
3) statement of cash flows fro the reporting period
4) accompanying notes to financial statements
The statements of position position must report what classes of assets?
without donor restriction & with donor restrictions
What is the primary purpose of statement of activities of nongovernmental not for profit?
To report the change in the net assets for the period
If a Non-for-profit receives a donation of art how is that recognized?
it’s NOT recognized as revenue however, acquired other items for collections
What are major functional expenses of NFPs?
Supporting activities & program services
EX - of supporting activities expense for NFP
1) Management and general
2) membership development
3) fundraising
EX - of program services for NFP
1) salaries
2) interest
3) rent
4) and depreciation