Ellen Moers
“Death and birth were hideously mixed in the life of Mary Shelley as in Frankenstein’s workshop of filthy creation”
Fred Botting
“Dracula uncannily straddles the borders between life and death”
Anne K. Mellor
“The separation of the sphere of public (masculine) power from the sphere of private (feminine) affection also causes the destruction of most of the women in the novel.”
Anne K. Mellor
“Separation of masculine work from feminine affections directly leads to Frankenstein’s (and almost Walton’s) downfall”
Christopher Craft
“… a violent wrestle between males in mediated through a feminine form”
Phyllis A. Roth
“The Equation of Vampirism with sexuality is well established in the criticism”
Sos Eltis
“Dracula is the master of boundary crossing”
Laurence Mazzano
“[the creature is a] grotesque being and is spurned by society because he doesn’t fit into any ideal.”
Pete Bunten
“the castle represents a threatening, sexually rapacious, masculine world, in which women are trapped…”
Gregg Buzwell
“any woman who remains passive under the male gaze invariably finds herself in peril”