Doll's House + Coleridge Flashcards
Gail Finley
“Ibsen was widely credited with virtually inventing the emancipated woman”
AM Rekdal
“the drama was immediately sen as a feminist firebrand”
Joan Templeton
A Dolls House is about “Everywomans struggle against Everyman”
Sally Hedger
About Nora “role she plays in order to massage his masculine ego”
G.M. Harper
(Conversation Poems) “These poems are built around imaginative flight and return to reality”
“Coleridge often attempted to make his poems serve a holy purpose”
George Whalley
“Coleridge was a confirmed symbolist”
Richard Holmes
“Like all the Romantics, Coleridge was interested in exploring such extreme states of mind and feeling”
Richard Holmes
“Coleridge, like many addicts, was incapable of domestic stability”
Richard Holmes
“Coleridge was fascinated by the way the imagination works”
The New Monthly Magazine, 1818
“Coleridge regarded poetry as a drunken dream”
Joan Templeton
“Nora’s conflict represents something other than, or something more than, women’s”
Richard Gilman
[A play] “pitched beyond sexual difference”
Robert Brustein
[Ibsen was] “completely indifferent to (female emancipation) except as a metaphor for individual freedom”
Einar Haugen
“She embodies the comedy as well as the tragedy of modern life”
Bloomsbury Commentary
“For the first time audiences were given no easy solutions to a contemporary problem”