GOSH Flashcards
Early medical abortion
less than 63 days (<9 WEEKS)
Late medical abortion
9-24 weeks
Medical method of early abortion <9 weeks
200mg of oral mifepristone - wait 24-48 hours – 400mg oral misoprostol
Medical method of early abortion 7-9 weeks
200mg of oral mifepristone – wait 24-48 hours- 800mg misoprostol given vaginally buccal or sublingual route.
If abortion hasn’t occurred within 4 hours of misoprostol, give a second dose of misoprostol 400mg vaginally or orally
Late medical abortion 9-13 weeks
200mg of oral mifepristone – wait 36-48 hours- give 800mg of misoprostol vaginally.
Max of 4 more doses of misoprostol 400mg can be given at 3 hourly rates.
If abortion doesn’t occur, mifepristone can be repeated 3 hours after last dose of misoprostol and then 12 hours after this dose of mifepristone, misoprostol may be recommended again
(so mifepristone- wait 36-48 hours- misoprostol- misoprostol (option 4x misoprostone)- no abortion-mifepristone- misoprostol)
Late medical abortion 13-24 weeks
200mg of oral mifepristone- wait 36-48 hours- give 800mg misoprostol vaginally, THEN misoprostol 400mg oral or vaginally 3 hourly (to a max of 4 doses)
If abortion doesn’t occur, mifepristone can be repeated 3 hours after last dose of misoprostol and then 12 hours after this dose of mifepristone, misoprostol may be recommended again
(so mifepristone- wait 36-48 hours- misoprostol- misoprostol (option 4x misoprostone)- no abortion-mifepristone- misoprostol)
Pain relief in abortions?
NSAIDS (not paracetamol!)
Some women may require additional narcotic analgesia, particularly after 13 weeks of gestation.
Risks unique to medical abortion compared to surgical abortion
- Unpredictable time to complete the procedure (variable)
- Side effects of drugs such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, headache, dizziness, fever/chills (common)
- Undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy (1 in 7,000) for early medical abortion <10weeks
- Rupture of the uterus/womb (1 in 1000) for late medical abortion >10weeks
Surgical abortion up to 14 weeks?
Vacuum aspiration
- Cervical prep up to 14 weeks: Misoprostol 400mg vaginally 3 hours prior to sugery OR 2-3 hours sublingual prior to surgery (can be done by women or clinician)
- Access to ultrasound during vacuum aspiration is recommended but not routinely required for uncomplicated procedures
- Vacuum aspiration may be performed from 14 to 16 weeks of gestation using large-bore cannulae and suction tubing
Surgical abortion between 15-24 weeks?
Dilation and evacuation.
Need Cervical preparation after 14 weeks
Risks unique to SURGICAL ABORTION that arent in Medical abortion
- Injury to the cervix (1 in 11,000) for VA, 1 in 5,000 for D&E)
- Perforation of the uterus/womb (1 in 6,500 for VA, 1 in 2,500 for D&E)
- Injury to bowel, bladder or serious injury to cervix (very rare)
- Repair of damage to cervix, uterus, bladder, bowel or blood
Chlam treatment
1g oral Azithromycin (single dose)
100mg oral Doxy- 2 x 7/7days
Gonn treatment
250mg IM Ceftriaxone (single dose)
1g oral Azithromycin (single dose)
Genital herpes treatment
FIRST EPISODE: 400mg oral aciclovir 3 x (7-10 days)
REPEAT EPISODES: 800 mg oral aciclovir 2 x (3-5 days)
Paracetamol, ibulprofen, sitz bath
Genital warts treatment
Podophyllotoxin topical (0.5%)- apply to affected area twice a day for 3 days, then no treatment for 4 days. Can repeat this cycle (3 days on, 4 off) up to 4 cycles.
Imiquimod topical (5%)- apply to the affected area three time a week at bedtime for 16 weeks, leave for 6-10 hours before washing off
Syphilis treatment
1.8g IM Benzathine benzylpenicillin (single dose)
What treatments are safe in pregnancy and when breastfeeding for VTE?
Unfractionated heparin
LMWH (ie. Tinzaparin)
-> Heparin and LMWH dont cross the placenta
(NOT Warfarin and only give clot busters if life threatening)
- Only exception for warfarin is for women with mechanical prosthetic heart valves and can give between 12-36 weeks.
Treatments for haemorrhageeeeeesss (there are 5)
Syntocinon- IV 5unit bolus
Syntometrine- IM Bolus
- For third stage of labour
- Combination of Oxytocin 5 units and Ergometrine 500mcg
Misoprostol- PR 800mcg
- Prostaglandin E1
Haemabate (carboprost) - IM 250 mcg
Tranexamic acid - 1g stat iv
- antifibrinolytic