Good and Evil Flashcards
Definition of conscience
Voice/feeling giving guidance on right and wrong behaviour
Definition of absence of good
St Augustine suggested evil was absence of good. All things created good but free will can cause things to become evil
Definition of free will
Belief God gave humans ability to make moral choices
Who is Job?
Biblical character whose faith is tested
Definition of Moral Evil
Evil and suffering caused by people
Definition of Natural Evil
Evil and suffering caused by natural events e.g. earthquakes, volcanoes
Definition of Original Sin
Sin brought into world at the Fall which Christianity teaches everyone is born with
Definition of Psychological Evil
Evil created by psychological forces that shape our character e.g. patenting, schooling, diet, tv, film
Definition of sacrifice
Giving up life for God
Definition of Satan/Devil
Supernatural evil power
Definition of The Fall
Disobedience of Adam and Eve which led to their expulsion from Garden of Eden
Definition of Theodicies
Arguments justifying why there is evil in the world if God is good
Quote for Lucifer was a fallen angel
“I saw Satan fall like lighting from heaven”
What does God being more powerful than Devil show?
Good is stronger than bad
What atoned for original sin?
Jesus crucifixion
A good God would not allow people to suffer so…
- God doesn’t exist
- God isn’t all powerful
- God responsible for evil and suffering as well as good
Suffering is a test
- Suffering helps develop character
- Suffering helps faith to grow (Story of Job)
- Suffering helps people to mature
Christians may find moral way to behave by…
- Praying
- Following ten commandments
- Listen to conscience
- ‘Love thy Neighbour’
- Advice from priest or vicar
- Bible teachings
- Church sermons
- Faith in Jesus (WWJD) - ‘do unto others as you would have them do unto you’re (Golden Rule)
- Follow example of good Christians e.g. Mother Teresa
Why do Christians follow Moral Code?
- God judges actions to see if they go to heaven or hell (Parable of the Sheep and the Goats)
- God is good, worship him
- Follow God’s rules to live in world of justice