Deity Flashcards
What does omnipotent mean?
All powerful
What does omnibenevolent mean?
All loving
What does omniscient mean?
All knowing
What does omnipresent mean?
All present
What does immanent mean?
God can occur at any time
What does immutable mean?
God cannot change
What does transcendent mean?
God is beyond human understanding
What does judge mean?
God (Jesus) will judge everyone on Judgement Day
What does eternal mean?
God has no beginning or end
What does trinity mean?
God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit
What are people that believe in God called?
What are people that believe in one God called?
What are people that aren’t sure what to believe called?
What are people who don’t believe in God called?
How does God make himself known?
- Bible (God’s word)
- Religious experience (prayers/dreams)
- Natural world
- Conscience (knowing right or wrong)
What is the Teleological or Design Argument?
William Paley’s watch argument. World shows evidence of design and purpose so there must be a designer which is God
What is the Argument from Experience?
Some people have experienced God through miracles, answered prayers, meditation or prayer where they have felt his presence or heard him speak
What is the Cosmological or First Cause Argument?
St. Thomas Aquinas said that everything must have a cause. Something cannot come from nothing. Aquinas believes God was the first cause of the universe
What is the Moral Argument?
People have a basic understanding of right and wrong (conscience) which comes from God
Who said that the reason we have a conscience is that God gave it to us so we would know how to do good?
Cardinal John Henry Newman (this supports Moral Argument)
What is the Goldilocks Effect?
Conditions are ‘just right’ for humans to live on Earth
Reasons why people might not believe in God
- Unanswered prayers
- God is in man’s imagination (people made God up)
- Not everyone knows right and wrong (conscience) in same way
- Suffering in the world
- No proof
- Science
- Universe has always been
- Life could’ve just evolved
Definition of a miracle
Act of God that shows his love or power
When did Jesus perform miracles?
When someone had faith in him
One of Jesus’s greatest miracles?
Modern day miracle in Lourdes
14 year old girl called Bernadette had visions of Virgin Mary that a church should be built where visions took place
Jesus as fully human and divine
God in a human body (flesh and blood)
Jesus as teacher and and guide
God-like behaviour and attitude
Jesus as saviour
Died to take away sins (atonement)
Jesus as eternal
Resurrected and returned to live with his Father for eternity and will return as judge for Parousia, the Appearing
Christian beliefs about Holy Spirit
- Gives hope, faith, guidance, understanding and spiritual strength to live up to teachings of Jesus
- Jesus told disciples he would send them Holy Spirit
- Spread love
Definition of Anthropomorphism
Different ways to explain God
Definition of Divine
Refers to God (Godly)
What is a Eucharist?
Christian Sacrament commemorating Last Supper
Definition of Fundamentalist Christians
Christians that believe in every word of the Bible
What does Immanuel mean?
‘God with us’
What does infinite mean?
Without limits
What does Messiah mean?
‘Anointed one’
Definition of Parousia
Second Coming of Christ who will judge humanity at end of the world