Good And Evil Flashcards
What is morally wrong/what causes suffering/what prevents humans from flourishing in accordance with God will
What is morally right/what enables humans to flourish in accordance with God’s will / that helps others
The devil (Satan)?
Symbol of evil in the Christian tradition/fallen angel (lucifer)/ enemy of God
Free will?
The ability to make moral choices (given to humans by God according to to Christians)
The fall?
The name given to the account of Adam and Eve sins and its consequences (Genesis 2-3)
Original sin?
The mistake (sin) made by Adam and Eve that first brings evil and suffering into creation
The forgiveness of sin offered to all humans by Jesus/ the promise of reconciliation with God
Natural evil?
Suffering resulting from natural event (e.g tsunamis, earthquake,ect)
Moral evil?
Suffering resulting from human actions (e.g bulling, murder)
Religious attempts to answer or explain the problem of evil
The experience of pain and distress (physical, e.g. Broken leg or psychologic, e.g bereavement)
The ‘internal’ voice helping us decide between is right and wrong/ ‘God-given’, scooting to Christian/ the source of our feeling of guilt
The belief that humans, not God, determine what is right and wrong (a secular- non-religious- view)