GOM Flashcards
IFR fuel requirements (135.223)
Fly to the destination, shoot an approach, go to the most distant alternate, and fly after that for 45 minutes at normal cruise.
VFR fuel requirements (135.209)
Day- to destination + 30 mins
Night- to destination + 45 mins
With regards to weather reporting, Explain the rules for departing an airport under IFR to a destination. (135.219)
No person may takeoff an aircraft under IFR or over the top operation unless the latest weather reports or forecast or, any combination of them, indicate that weather conditions at the estimated time of arrival at the next airport of intended landing will be at or above authorized IFR landing minimums.
Explain weather requirements for starting an instrument approach. (135.225)
No pilot may begin an instrument approach procedure to an airport unless that airport has an approved weather reporting facility, and the latest weather report issued by that weather reporting facility indicates that weather conditions are at or above the authorized IR landing minimums for that airport
Explain operations under IFR in uncontrolled airspace or any airport. (135.215)
No pilot may operate IFR outside of controlled airspace or at any airport that does not have an approved standard instrumental approach procedure.
C064 and IFR terminal ops in uncontrolled airspace.
C064 prohibits IFR terminal operation in uncontrolled airspace (class G) without an approved source of weather.
What weather at your destination determines whether you need an alternate or not? (135.223)
For at least one hour before to one hour after the weather reports or forecasts indicate that the ceiling will be at least 1500’ above the lowest circling MDA.
If a circling appr is not authorized for the airport, the ceiling will be at least 1500’ above the lowest published minimum or 2000’ above the airport, whichever is higher.
Visibility for that airport is forecast to be at least 3 miles, or 2 miles more than the lowest applicable visibility mins, whichever is greater.
Part 91.169 alternate weather mins
Precision appr, 600’ and 2 sm
No precision appr, 800’ and 2 sm
OpSpec C055
Airport with one NAV facility
For airports with at least one operational NAV facility providing a straight non-precision approach or a straight precision approach. Add 400’ to the MDA or DA(H) and 1 sm to the CAT 1 landing minima
OpSpec C055
Airport with at least 2 NAV facilities.
For airports with at least two NAV facilities, each providing a straight in non-precision or straight in precision approach to two different suitable runways. (Must have 2 different identifiers even if they share the same frequency. Runways can be different ends of the same pavement).
Add 200’ to the HIGHER DA(H) of the two approaches being used. And 1/2 sm to the HIGHEST CAT1 landing minima of the two approaches being used.
Weather requirements to start an approach
The pilot cannot begin the approach unless the weather is at or above approach minimum. Visibility is controlling.
Approach rules if weather drops below mins at the FAF (135.225)
If you have passed the FAF and the weather goes below minimums, you can continue the approach and land if you find upon reaching the MDA or DH that the actual weather conditions (flight visibility) is at least equal to landing minimum.
Lowest authorized straight in CAT1 landing minima
1800 RVR or 1/2 sm
Operation below DH or MDA to descend 100’ above touchdown zone. (135.225)
No pilot may operate an aircraft at any airport below authorized MDA or continue an approach below the authorized DH unless:
a. The aircraft is continuously in a position from which a descent to landing on the intended runway can be made at a normal rate of descent, using normal maneuvers, and descent rate will allow touchdown in the touchdown zone of the runway of intended landing.
b. The flight visibility is not less than the visibility prescribed in the approach.
c. At least one of the following visual references is visible:
. Appr light system
. Red terminating bars
. Threshold
. Threshold markings
. Threshold lights
. Runway end identifier lights (REIL)
. Touchdown zone or markings
. Touchdown zone lights (TDZL)
. Runway or runway markings
. Runway lights
Duty limits while traveling (135.263)
Time spent in transportation, not local in character, that a certificate holder requires of a flight crewmember and provides to transport the crewmember to an airport at which they are to serve on a flight as a crewmember, or from an airport at which they have been relieved from duty to return to their home station, is not considered part of a rest.