GOLDEN AGE Flashcards
What was one of the key reforms implemented by Stresemann?
End passive resistance
This reform aimed to stabilize the German economy by ceasing non-cooperation with the Allied forces.
What new currency was created during Stresemann’s reforms?
The Rentenmark was introduced to address hyperinflation and restore confidence in the German economy.
What was a significant goal of Stresemann’s reforms?
Balance the budget
This aimed to create a sustainable financial environment in post-World War I Germany.
What was one of the terms of the Dawes Plan?
Temporary reduction of annual repayments
This provided immediate financial relief to Germany while restructuring reparations payments.
What loan amount was included in the Dawes Plan?
800m mark loan
This loan was intended to help stabilize the German economy and facilitate reparations payments.
What was a key aspect of the Dawes Plan regarding supervision?
Allied supervision of German State Bank
This aimed to ensure financial stability and proper management of reparations.
What was a significant outcome of the Dawes Plan in relation to foreign troops?
French/Belgian troops leave the Ruhr
This withdrawal was part of the agreement to ease tensions and stabilize the region.
Why were interest rates kept high in Germany even after the introduction of the
By 1925: Germany appeared more stable and prosperous
Combination of the new currency, the Dawes Plan and Schat’s work at the Reichsbank (where interest rates were kept high to attract foreign investment), helped improve Germany’s situation enormously
What is compulsory arbitration?
industrial disputes are often settled by arbitration in which both sides agree to allow an independent figure (known as the arbitrator) decide on a solution
Why were interest rates kept high in Germany even after the introduction of the new currency and Schat’s work in the Reichbank ?
By 1925 interest rates were kept high to attract foreign investment), helped improve Germany’s situation enormously. American loans stimulated economy which made Germany more prosperous.
What is rationalisation and cartelisation ?
rationalisation (making industry more efficient) and cartelisation (merging large firms into giant cartels) e.g. I.G. Farben, Krupp A.G.
How did rationalisation improve the economy?
Extensive ‘rationalisation’: New management and production techniques were introduced. Old machinery was replaced with new machinery. With American finance and Industrial output grew (but slowly)
Strikes decreased due to compulsory arbitration
Which industries improved because of economic growth in Germany?
Car and aeroplane industries developed, although cars were still expensive for the ordinary German.
Loans financed: schools, housing, road and public works
Strikes decreased due to compulsory arbitration
Why did compulsory arbitration impact the country?
decreased number of strikes
1924 = 1973
1930 = 353
What is a cartel?
groups of industries which combined together to fix prices and protect profits
How did cartelisation work in Germany?
Big industries bought out/made agreements with smaller firms to make cartels as Germany had to hand over many of its materials as reparations at the end of the war.
In 1925 how much of which industry did Germany’s cartel control?
And how many cartel’s where there?
1925: 3000 cartel arrangements (90% of Germany’s coal and steel production)
How did Stresemann’s acknowledge Germany’s financial state?
‘The economic position is only flourishing on the surface. Germany is dancing on a volcano. If the short term-loans are called in, a large section of our economy would collapse’.
- he knew Germany’s was in a fragile financial position