Going out, staying in Flashcards
burst into tears or laughter
romper a llorar o a reir.
part of a meal
I was bored out of my mind
bored to death
On the floor “ in stitches”
partirse de la risa, to be in stitches: laughing very hard, to the point that one cannot control it. Jenny us the funniest guy I know. He can have you in stitches in a matter of minutes.
live up to the hype
a la altura de las expectativas
sentir escalofrios, sentir horror, feel embarassement avergonzarse
in floods of tears
en un mar de lágrimas
awkward /ócuod/
incómodo, clumsy, troublesome, uncomfortable
she has been thourgh a lot recently
ha pasado por muchas cosas recientemente
to be all in hand
under control. Contrary to out of hand ( uncontrolled)
burst out + ing
aparecer. The guy just suddenly burst out screaming at one of the waiters
8 verbs with a compulsory object
Assure; convince; inform, notify, reassure, persuade, remind, tell
tread /tred/
If you tread on something, you put your foot on it while your are walking. Pisar
Ouch! You’re treading on my toes.
at the rear /ria/
at the back
off the beaten track
somewhere which doesn’t often get visitors or tourists.
sneak. v
move silently ( a hurtadillas, furtivamente)
herds of sheep
rebaño de ovejas
horda. Crowd: of people
hop on
subirse. Board a vehicle
a bit hungry
go for a dip
go to a pool, lake, the sea…etc and swim for pleasure
dare to do something risky. Atreverse, aventurarse.
figurative: acceptance. Embrace new ideas, change, a huge variety of food…
array /arrei/
variety, range, display
toss-up. n.
choice between two things ( figurative). From coin throw.
appeal of ( n)
encanto, atractivo
tucked up in bed