Goals 101 Flashcards
“Who you would be, what type of life would you have, if you were the type of person who could do what you needed to do, when you needed to do it, whether you felt like it or not.”
Pick good ones; not all goals are created equal
Extrinsic vs. intrinsic
Intrinsic goals lead to flourish
Goals that inspire and stretch but not snap
The Process
The process is more important than the attainment
Hedonic adaptation – you adapt to your pleasures very quickly
No 1 Target
Describe the best version of you
Absolute heroic best
If you were guaranteed to succeed, what would you dream of doing?
Who will you inspire?
Stretch your idea of what’s possible
False Limits
Your true potential is unknowable
The Big 3 Primary Areas to Set Goals
The Motivation Equation
You must really want it
Bring it back to reality. What can I expect to achieve?
Meaningful, challenging and doable
How important is it for you? What is your activation energy?
What do you expect to achieve, with which obstacles and in which timeframe?
What distracts you and how can you eliminate distraction?
Break down your goal into micro-goals. What can you start today?
Hedonic Adaptation
You adapt to your pleasures very quickly
5 Years
What does your life look like in 5 years?
Concentrate on Energy, Family, Service
Thank about you at your best
How do you show up every day?
Are you all in or are you “dabbling”
It’s not a sprint, don’t burn out, it’s for the rest of your life
Love the practice, love the journey
Decide to Decide
Decide what you want to put full energy on
Decide and then go all in
No ambivalence
What’s the Price you have to pay?
What do you need to cut out?
What does it look like if you pay it daily?
Be resilient
You don’t think about what you accomplish, you think about what you have not accomplished – regret!
Be willing to pay the price
Eliminate Choice
Remove the option to quite
Obstacles will arise, what will you do?
What have you planned to do? If, then.
Second Guessing
You must respond to true data, but are you responding to true data or second guessing yourself?
True confidence
Clear vision of your ideal and mentally contrast it with what could go wrong
5 Minutes, No. 1, 24/7
Write-down your goals everyday
Reflect on your goals daily
What can I do Today that moves me forward?
Be the person you need to be to achieve your ideal self all day, every day
Serenity Key
Think about things that upset you in the last weeks and write them down
Accept those that were not in your control. Let them be
Tranquility Tax
What diminishes your peace of mind?
What Tranquility Tax do you need for peace of mind?
Love 2.0 x 30TLs
Make it a goal to create 3 opportunities to love today
Connect to someone in a warm, simple & friendly manner
Create an upward spiral of positivity
Ideal You Now
This is your moment to show up
When do you not reach your highest standards?
What can you do to change it for the better?
If things don’t work out, get data to find out why