GN 4 VG ATRPH Flashcards
Causes of vaginal atrophy (3)
Pelvic irradiation or chemotherapy
T/F hot fulshes abate over time regardless of whether estrogen therapy is used
True about vaginal atrophy EXCEPT
a. Pathophysiology is related to hypoestrogenism
b. causes thinning of the vaginal epithelium
c. related to vaginal pH becoming less acidic
d. Infection is less likely to occur
D. increase in infection
True about menopause
a. There is an increase in parabasal and intermediate cells and substantial increase in parabasal cell
b. intermediate and superficial cells predominate
c. both
d. neither
True about genitalia in menopause
a. loss of labial and vulval fullness
b. narrow introitus
c. minimal vaginal discharge
d. all of the above
Differential diagnosis of vaginal atrophy (6)
SLICE VI Squamous cell hyperplasia Lichen sclerosis Infectious vulvovaginitis Cervical and EM malignancy
Vulvar malignancy
Irritant contact dermatitis
vaginal dsicharg pH of 3.0 to 3.5
a. Normal
b. Yeast
c. both
d. neither
in the following conditions, vaignal discharge pH may be >5.0 EXCEPT
a. Bacterial vaginosis
b. Trichomoniasis
c. Inflammatory condition
d. Atrophic vaginitis
NOTA, all have pH >5.0
True of normal Vaginal discharge except
a. pH 3.0 to 4.5
b. few or no WBC
c. no parabasal cells
d. curdy
D; creamy, mucoid, white