GMAT 04 Flashcards
ply·wood noun \ˈplī-ˌwu̇d\
- N-UNCOUNT 胶合板 Plywood is wood that consists of thin layers of wood stuck together.
…a sheet of plywood.
pneu·mo·nia noun \nu̇-ˈmō-nyə\
- N-UNCOUNT 肺炎 Pneumonia is a serious disease which affects your lungs and makes it difficult for you to breathe.
She nearly died of pneumonia.
poach·er noun \ˈpō-chər\
n.偷猎者; 偷猎者成了猎物保护人; 侵入他人地界者; 煮蛋用的锅
point·ed adj \ˈpȯin-təd\
- ADJ-GRADED 有尖头的;尖的 Something that is pointed has a point at one end.
…a pointed roof.
…pointed shoes.
尖头鞋 - ADJ-GRADED 尖锐的;直截了当的;批评性的 Pointed comments or behaviour express criticism in a clear and direct way.
I couldn’t help but notice the pointed remarks slung in my direction…
Her new book is a pointed look at life in a small community, and the position of women within it.
pointedly: They were pointedly absent from the news conference…他们刻意缺席记者招待会。’This is my house,’ Blair said rather pointedly.布莱尔颇为直接地说:“这是我的房子。”
— point·ed·ly adverb
— point·ed·ness noun
poke noun \ˈpōk\
- VERB (用手指或尖物)戳,捅,杵 If you poke someone or something, you quickly push them with your finger or with a sharp object.
Lindy poked him in the ribs.
Poke is also a noun.
John smiled at them and gave Richard a playful poke.
约翰冲着他们笑了笑,开玩笑地捅了理查德一下。 - VERB 把…戳进;把…插入 If you poke one thing into another, you push the first thing into the second thing.
He poked his finger into the hole.
他把手指插入孔中。 - VERB (从后面或下面)露出,冒出 If something pokes out of or through another thing, you can see part of it appearing from behind or underneath the other thing.
He saw the dog’s twitching nose poke out of the basket…
His fingers poked through the worn tips of his gloves.
他的手指从手套的破指尖处露了出来。 - V-ERG (使)(头)伸出;(使)探出 If you poke your head through an opening or if it pokes through an opening, you push it through, often so that you can see something more easily.
Julie tapped on my door and poked her head in…
We hadn’t been able to poke our heads out and see what was going on…
我们无法伸出头去,看看发生了什么。 - to poke fun at →see: fun; to poke your nose into something →see: nose;
相关词组:poke around, poke at
- PHRASAL VERB (通常指挪动很多物品)寻找,翻找 If you poke around or poke about for something, you search for it, usually by moving lots of objects around.
He poked around the top of his cupboard for the bottle of whisky…
We opened up the car bonnet and he started poking around in my engine.
我们打开了车子的引擎盖,他开始仔细查看发动机。 - PHRASAL VERB (用尖物反复地)捅,戳,拨弄 If you poke at something, you make lots of little pushing movements at it with a sharp object.
She poked at her food with a fork…
Reggie threw more wood on the fire and poked at it.
poke and pry
po·lar·i·ty noun \pō-ˈler-ə-tē\
- N-VAR 完全相反;截然对立 If there is a polarity between two people or things, they are completely different from each other in some way.
…the ideological polarity between nations.
…the polarities of good and evil…
- N-MASS 花粉 Pollen is a fine powder produced by flowers. It fertilizes other flowers of the same species so that they produce seeds.
pol·li·nate verb \ˈpä-lə-ˌnāt\
- VERB (常指昆虫)给…传授花粉 To pollinate a plant or tree means to fertilize it with pollen. This is often done by insects.
Many of the indigenous insects are needed to pollinate the local plants.
pollination: Without sufficient pollination, the growth of the corn is stunted.没有得到充足的授粉,谷物的长势就会受阻。
pol·li·na·tion noun \ˌpä-lə-ˈnā-shən\
[ˈp ɑlɪˌ ɑrkɪ]
- 多党政治
- 多头政治
poly·gon noun \ˈpä-lē-ˌgän\
— po·lyg·o·nal \pə-ˈli-gə-nəl\ adjective
— po·lyg·o·nal·ly -nəl-ē\ adverb
Pentagons, hexagons, and octagons are all kinds of polygons.
poly·graph noun \ˈpä-lē-ˌgraf\
- N-COUNT 测谎(试验) A polygraph or a polygraph test is a test which is used by the police to try to find out whether someone is telling the truth.
Hill’s lawyers announced she had taken and passed a polygraph test.
— poly·graph·ic \ˌpä-lē-ˈgra-fik\ adjective
They hooked him up to the polygraph and began the test.
She was asked to take a polygraph.
poly·morph noun \ˈpä-lē-ˌmȯrf\
n.多形; 多形体; 多晶型物; <生>多形态的动(植)物
pomp·ous adj \ˈpäm-pəs\
- ADJ-GRADED 自负的;自命不凡的 If you describe someone as pompous, you mean that they behave or speak in a very serious way because they think they are more important than they really are.
He was somewhat pompous and had a high opinion of his own capabilities.
pompously: Robin said pompously that he had an important business appointment.罗宾傲慢地说他有一个重要的工作约会。 - ADJ-GRADED 盛大的;壮观的 A pompous building or ceremony is very grand and elaborate.
The service was grand without being pompous.
— pomp·ous·ly adverb
— pomp·ous·ness noun
pop verb \ˈpäp\
por·ce·lain noun \ˈpȯr-s(ə-)lən\
- N-UNCOUNT 瓷 Porcelain is a hard, shiny substance made by heating clay. It is used to make delicate cups, plates, and ornaments.
There were lilies everywhere in tall white porcelain vases.
高高的白色瓷瓶上绘满了百合花。 - N-VAR 瓷器 A porcelain is an ornament that is made of porcelain. You can refer to a number of such ornaments as porcelain .
…decorative 17th and 18th century porcelains.
…a priceless collection of English porcelain.
— por·ce·lain·like -ˌlīk\ adjective
— por·ce·la·ne·ous or por·cel·la·ne·ous \ˌpȯr-sə-ˈlā-nē-əs\ adjective
por·nog·ra·phy noun -fē\
- N-UNCOUNT (总称)色情(或淫秽)作品 Pornography refers to books, magazines, and films that are designed to cause sexual excitement by showing naked people or referring to sexual acts.
A nationwide campaign against pornography began in the summer.
— por·no·graph·ic \ˌpȯr-nə-ˈgra-fik\ adjective
— por·no·graph·i·cal·ly -fi-k(ə-)lē\ adverb
por·tage noun \ˈpȯr-tij\
n. (两条水路间货物、小船等的)陆上运输,陆上运输路线
vt. & vi.水陆联运(货物等), 两水路间运送(货物, 船等)
por·tend verb \pȯr-ˈtend\
- VERB 预示;预兆;预告 If something portends an event or occurrence, it indicates that it is likely to happen in the future.
The change did not portend a basic improvement in social conditions.