Glycolysis Flashcards
______ has a high affinity (low Km) for its substrate, glucose,and in the liver and pancreatic B islet cells is saturatedunder all normal conditions and so acts at a constantrate to provide glucose 6-phosphate to meet the cell’sneed.
Liver and pancreatic B islet cells also contain anisoenzyme of hexokinase, glucokinase, which has a Kmvery much higher than the normal intracellular concen-tration of glucose. The function of glucokinase in theliver is to remove glucose from the blood following ameal, providing glucose 6-phosphate in excess of re-quirements for glycolysis, which will be used for glyco-gen synthesis and lipogenesis.
All of the enzymes of glycolysis (Figure 17–2) arefound in the ____
Rate limiting reaction in glycolysis
Enolase is inhibited by___
In anaerobic glycolysis, Pyruvate is reducedby the NADH to lactate, the reaction being catalyzedby _____.
lactate dehydrogenase
Three irreversible and regulated steps in glycolysis:
These re-actions, catalyzed by hexokinase (and glucokinase),phosphofructokinase, and pyruvate kinase, are themajor sites of regulation of glycolysis
Substrate level phosphorylation in glycolysis:
phosphoglycerate kinase
Pyruvate kinase
Oxidation of Glucose Yields Up to ___ Mol
of ATP Under Aerobic Conditions But Only
2 Mol When O2 Is Absent
Inherited aldolase A deficiency and pyruvate kinasedeficiency in erythrocytes cause
hemolytic anemia