Glycolysis Flashcards
Metabolic pathway converting glucose to pyruvate
Where does glycolysis occur?
Where is Glycolysis Used?
Used in all cells where glucose is broken down to provide ATP and intermediated for other pathways
Phases of GLycolysis
Stage 1: Energy Investment Phase (first 5 rxns)
Stage 2: Energy generation phase
(final 5 rxns)
Energy Investment Phase
- Step 1 and 3 are regulatory steps; reguire ATP
- 1 glucose has been oxidized to two G3P
- 2 ATP are consumes
Energy Generation Phase
- start w/ two molecules of G3P
- Generate 2 NADH, 4ATP, 2 pyruvate
- pyruvate and NADH can be further ox. in TCA and ETC respectively (produce more ATP)
What happens to pyruvate under aerobic conditions?
- Pyruvate is converted to Acetyl-CoA and enters further oxidation
- NADH is oxidized via ETC
- In order for glycolysis to continue must oxidize NADH to resupply NAD+ (NAD+ is limited in cell)
Fates of Pyruvate
- acetaldehyde
- lactate
- Acetyl CoA
Anaerobic Glycolysis
- when there is a lack of O2 cells use lactic acid fermentation to regenerate NAD+
Aerobic glycolysis yield
Gain 2 ATP/glucose
- ongoing glycolysis req. ox. of NADH by ETC
Anaerobic glycolysis yield
Gain 2 ATP/glucose
- no net production or consumption of NADH
3 key regulatory rxns of glycolysis
- Hexokinase; catalyzes 1st rxn
- Phosphofructokinase; catalyzes 3rd rxn
- Pyruvate Kinase; catalyzes last rxn
- P from ATP transferred to fructose 6-P by PFK to form fructose 1,6-bisphosphate
- commited step
- P from ATP is added to glucose to form glucose 6-phosphate
- catalyzed by hexokinase or glucokinase (liver)
- traps glucose in cell
- product inhibition; Hex. inhibited by G-6P
Pyruvate Kinase
- transfers P from PEP to ADP
- forms ATP and pyruvate
- all three rxns are irreversible steps
Glycolysis plays 2 roles
1-degrades glucose to generate ATP
2-provides building blocks for biosynthetic rxns