Gluteal Region and Thigh Flashcards
What are the boarders the gluteal region
Superiorly by iliac crest and inferiorly by the fold of the buttock.
What are the three gluteal muscles
Gluteus maximus, medius and minimus. These are external rotators of the thigh..
Describe the features of the gluteus maximus
It is the prime extensor of the hip, used when standing from sitting and climbing stairs. It is used in external rotation, abducts and adducts. Some fibres insert on the iliotibial tract and therefore extends and locks the knee via iliotibial tract.
Describe some of the features of gluteus medius and gluteus minimis
Gluteus medius lies deep to maximus, and minimus lies deep to medius. These are the abductors of the hip.
What other muscle also aids in hip abduction
Tensor fascia latae
What is the role of the abductors
They keep the pelvis level when walking. Contraction of the muscles prevent drop.
What are the lateral rotators of the hip and name them
They are a group of muscles that pass from the pelvis to the femur, lying close to and posterior to the hip joint. These muscles are piriformis, superior gemellus, obturator internus, inferior gemellus, quadrator femoris and obturator externus
All gluteal muscles are supplied by whar?
Superior gluteal nerve, except gluteus maximus which is supplied by inferior gluteal nerve
Where does the sciatic nerve originate from and therefore where should intramuscular injection be preformed
- SN emerges into gluteal region inferior to piriformis. So the safe ares for intramuscular injections is the upper outer quadrant.
What are the flexors of the thigh
- Muscles passing anterior to hip joint. These are Psoas major and illiacus which are collectively known as iliopsoas which are the most powerful flexor. Also Sartorius and Rectus femoris which also act upon the knee joint
How do illiacus and Psoas major pass into the thigh?
Through the retro-inguinal space into the femoral region where the fascia of psoas divides the space into muscular and vascular compartments. Illiacus and the femoral nerve enter the muscular compartment.
What are the muscles in the posterior compartment of the thigh (extensors of the thigh) their action and what they are supplied by
Biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembraneous (hamstrings). Their action is to extend the hip but also flex the leg. They are supplied by the sciatic nerve, except short head of biceps
What are the muscles of the medial compartment of the thigh
Adductor magnus, adductor longus, adductor brevis and gracilis. All preform adduction and are all supplied by obturator nerve
What are the main extensors of the knee
Quadricepts femoris which is a group of muscles made up of; Rectus femoris, Vastus intermedius, Vastus medialis and Vastuc lateralis
What is the stability if the knee joint dependant on/
The tone of quadriceps