Gluteal Region Flashcards
Where does the gluteus maximus originate?
ilium, sacrum, coccyx, sacrotuberous ligament
Where does the gluteus medius and minimus originate?
Where does the tensor fascia lata originate?
ilium - ant. sup. iliac spine
Where does the piriformis originate?
Where does the obturator internus originate?
obturator membrane
Where does the superior gemellus originate?
ischial spine
Where does inferior gemellus and quadratus femoris originate?
ischial tuberosity
Where do all of the mm of the gluteal region except the tensor fascia lata insert?
Specifically, where does gluteus maximus insert?
femur and iliotibial tract
Where do gluteus medius/minimus, piriformis, obturator internus, and sup/inf gemellus insert?
greater trochanter of femur
Tensor fascia lata inserts where?
iliotibial tract
Quadratus femoris inserts where?
What is the action of gluteus maximus?
extend, laterally rotate femur
What is the action of both gluteus medius and minimus?
abduct and medially rotate femur
What is the action of the tensor fascia lata?
abduct femur