gluteal region Flashcards
What are the three main gluteal muscles?
Gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus.
True or False: The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in the human body.
Fill in the blank: The primary function of the gluteus maximus is to ______ the hip.
Which gluteal muscle is primarily responsible for hip abduction?
Gluteus medius.
What is the origin of the gluteus maximus?
outer slope of dorsal segment of iliac crest
side of coccyx
dorsal surface of lower part of saccrum
sacruotuberous ligament
posterior gluteal line
aponeurosis of erector spinae
posterior part of gluteal surface of illium behind the posterior gluteal line
Multiple choice: Which of the following muscles helps stabilize the pelvis during walking? A) Gluteus maximus B) Gluteus medius C) Gluteus minimus D) All of the above
D) All of the above.
What nerve innervates the gluteus medius?
Superior gluteal nerve.
True or False: The gluteus minimus is located beneath the gluteus medius.
What is the primary action of the gluteus minimus?
Hip abduction and medial rotation.
Fill in the blank: Weakness in the gluteus medius can lead to ______ gait.
Which muscle is most involved in climbing stairs?
Gluteus maximus.
Multiple choice: Which muscle is NOT a part of the gluteal region? A) Gluteus maximus B) Gluteus medius C) Quadratus femoris D) Gluteus minimus
C) Quadratus femoris.
What is the role of the gluteal muscles in athletic performance?
They provide power and stability for movements such as running, jumping, and squatting.
True or False: The gluteus maximus is involved in lateral rotation of the hip.
What is the insertion point of the gluteus maximus?
the greater part of the muscle is inserted into the Iliotibial tract(3/4th) and the deep fibres of the lower part of the muscle is inserted into the gluteal tuberosity (1/4th)
Fill in the blank: The gluteal muscles are primarily responsible for movements of the ______ joint.
What is the significance of the gluteal muscles in the context of lower back pain?
Weakness or dysfunction in the gluteal muscles can contribute to lower back pain.
Multiple choice: Which muscle is most active during hip extension while running? A) Gluteus medius B) Gluteus minimus C) Gluteus maximus D) Tensor fasciae latae
C) Gluteus maximus.
What is the primary blood supply to the gluteal muscles?
Superior and inferior gluteal arteries.
True or False: The gluteus medius is crucial for maintaining balance when standing on one leg.
What is the anatomical position of the gluteus minimus relative to the gluteus medius?
It is located beneath the gluteus medius.
Fill in the blank: The gluteal muscles are part of the ______ group of muscles.
What condition is characterized by weakness in the gluteus medius?
Trendelenburg sign.
Multiple choice: Which exercise is best for strengthening the gluteus maximus? A) Squats B) Bicep curls C) Crunches D) Calf raises
A) Squats.
What role do gluteal muscles play in pelvic stability?
They help maintain proper alignment and stability of the pelvis during movement.
list the muscles of gluteal region
gluteus maximus
gluteous minimus
gluteous medias
superior gemilli
inferior gemilli
obturator externus
obturator internus
quadratus femoris
tensor fascia lata- lies in lateral side of thigh just in front of gluteal region
the two buttocks are seperated from each other in posterior median line
natal cleft
what marks the lower limit of buttocks
gluteal fold
which bones do we sit on
ischial tuberosity- a bony prominance that can be felt by us medially
the highest point of illiac crest corresponds with
L3 and L4 intervals of the spine- site of lumbr puncture
what is the significance of psis
at the level of S2 spine opposite the middle of sacroilliac joint
- buttocks- right and left seperated by natal cleft
- gluteal folds- marks the lower limit ( this transveerse skin crease doesn’t correspond with the lower limit of gluteus maximus which travels downwards obliquely and laterally
- greater trochanter of femur-hollow side of hip bone, a hands bredth below tubercle of illiac crest
- illiac crest
- Sacrum- lies posteriorly b/w the 2 hip bones, upper three sacral spines can be palpated in median plane, lower part of sacrum and coccyx lie on natal cleft
- ischial tuberosity-
- coccyx- slightly moblie under pressure, behind anus
- sacrotuberous ligament- lies deep to the lower border of gluteus maximux, b/w saccrum and ischial tuberosity
can the sacrotuberous ligament be felt?
yes by applying firm pressure between the lower part of saccrum and ischial tuberosity
what is nelatons line?
imaginary line that join ASIS and Ischial tuberosity
crosses the ip of greater trochanter
what is coxa vera
reduced angle between head of femur and shaft ( less that 120 degree)
in what cases does the greater trochanter lie above nelatons line?
- coxa vera
- fracture in neck of femur
- posterior dislocation of hip joint
what is bryant’s triangle ?
it is an imaginary triangle formed by :-
1. horizontal line from ASIS
2. vertical line from tip of greater trochanter
3. and a line joining ASIS and Tip of gReater trochanter
what is supratrochantric shortening?
it is the shortening in the distance b/w the tip of greater trochanter the the pendicular lines in bryant’s triangle
what are the reasons for supratrochantric shortening?
- coxa vera
- fracture in neck of femur
- dislocation of hip joint
- destruction of femure or acetabulum
few points on superficial fascia of the gluteal region
ladden with fat, more so in females
stringy and tough over ischial tubersity to provide sufficient cushioning in sitting posture
contains cutaneous vessels lymphs and nerves
the cutaneous nerves of gluteal region ______________ on the gluteal region
converge - from all directions
the upper anterior part of gluteal region is suppplied with which branches of cutaneous nerves ?
- lateral branch of subcostal T12
- lateral branch of iliohypogastric L1
the upper posterior part of gluteal region is suppplied with which branches of cutaneous nerves ?
posterior primary rami of spinal nerve L1-L3 and S1-S3
the lower anterior part of gluteal region is suppplied with which branches of cutaneous nerves ?
posterior division of lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh L2,L3
the lower posterior part of gluteal region is suppplied with which branches of cutaneous nerves ?
- posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh S1-S3
- perforating cutaneous nerve S2,S3
superior and inferior gluteal artery which are branches of internal illiac artery
the lymhs of gluteal region drain into ?
lateral group of superficial inguinal lymph nodes
in what different manner does deep fascia cover gluteus maximus and medius?
it is opaque, pearly white, thick and dense over gluteus mdeius and transparent of gluteus maximus
deep fascia _______________________ the gluteus maximus muscle
splits and encloses
what are the attachments of sacrotuberous ligament
mediall argin of ischial tuberosity and posterior illiav spines
forms posteriolateral boundary of the pelvic outlet
what are the attachments of scarospinous ligament?
laterally to ischail spine
medially to sacrococcygeal junction
location of sacrospinous ligament
traingular band sitated deep in the sacrotuberous ligament